
Making Strides on Capacity Building

17 Nov 2016

The Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) is up and running. Eight donors — (Australia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland and the Wallon Region in Belgium) have joined the US, UK and Canada to pledge more than US$50 million to the CBIT. The first set of projects have already been approved by the […]

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The COP of Action on the Right Pathway

17 Nov 2016

ECO salutes a major step forward in the transition to a decarbonised and climate-resilient world. At 2.30pm in Room Atlantic, please come welcome the launch of the 2050 Pathway Platform, a new tool that allows state and non-state actors to share their plans and learn from one another’s strategies and approaches. The launch of the […]

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Dangerous Times for Human Rights and Environmental Defenders

17 Nov 2016

On a more serious note: last Saturday afternoon, while countries gathered at COP22, human rights and environmental defender Jeremy Abraham Barrios Lima was assassinated in Guatemala City. He worked at Guatemala’s legal environmental defence organisation managing sensitive information related to high-profile litigation for the protection of the environment. On Climate Justice day, Jeremy’s murder is […]

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Fossil of the Day

17 Nov 2016

Yesterday’s first place Fossil of the Day award went to Australia for their complaints about dirty baggage. ECO doesn’t mean to gossip, but yesterday Australia was caught complaining to the US about American charities standing in solidarity with Australian communities who are fighting to prevent the construction of the largest ever coal mine down under—Adani’s […]

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Adaptation Fund

16 Nov 2016

ECO is concerned about the survival of the Adaptation Fund. Created in the old times of the Kyoto Protocol, it was given the chance for a new life through the Paris Agreement. However, the way developed countries are “revisiting” its existence has us really worried about all those issues we thought we had clarified in […]

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Financing Adaptation, the Struggle is Real! 

16 Nov 2016

On Monday, while we were busy following the negotiations, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) announced that preliminary data shows that 2016’s global temperatures are approximately 1.2° Celsius above pre-industrial levels. They warned that 2016 will very likely be the hottest year on record, with global temperatures even higher than the record-breaking temperatures of 2015.   […]

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Insurance – No Silver Bullet

16 Nov 2016

Parties will be leaving Marrakech with plenty of work ahead to enhance action and support in order to address loss and damage. With key decisions now reached, let’s take a moment to look at the main tool in the loss and damage toolbox: insurance. The ability to cope with loss and damage from climate change […]

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Finally, Fossils!

16 Nov 2016

Yesterday not just one, or two, but three Fossil of the Day awards! The first went to the European Commission for its mean-spirited “winter package”. Leaked copies of proposed renewable energy legislation reveal a real lack of ambition. The proposed target is to increase renewable energy a mere 27% of total energy by 2030… only […]

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Cheatsheet for Parties

16 Nov 2016

How to answer questions at the high-level facilitative dialogue on enhancing ambition, a 101. Where should Parties be with regards to mitigation ambition by 2020, and what should the factors for success be? All Parties—particularly developed countries—need to take more action by 2020, including providing more support to developing countries. Many Parties are on track […]

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Adaptation Fund

16 Nov 2016

ECO is concerned about the survival of the Adaptation Fund. Created in the old times of the Kyoto Protocol, it was given the chance for a new life through the Paris Agreement. However, the way developed countries are “revisiting” its existence has us really worried about all those issues we thought we had clarified in […]

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