
It’s time to end the CDM in 2020

8 Nov 2017

The CDM provides a wealth of experience, both positive and negative, which should not be forgotten. At the same time, it should not be allowed to undermine the ambition of the Paris Agreement. Here are a couple of points to respond to discussions on the CDM: Furthermore, it is essential to safeguard the environmental integrity […]

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Germany: a Climate Leader or a Climate Laggard?

7 Nov 2017

ECO was pleased to hear the German environment minister announcing a new pledge of ‚¬50 million for the Adaptation Fund (and the development minister adding another ‚¬50m for the Least Developed Countries Fund). This has been a welcome signal on day 1 of the COP23 €“ and all the other rich countries now have nearly […]

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Bula! Tor the Talanoa Dialogue

7 Nov 2017

ECO read the informal note prepared by COP22 and COP23 Presidencies on the features of the facilitate dialogue in 2018 (a.k.a “Talanoa Dialogue”) with great interest and believes that the note reflects rich consultations they had with Parties throughout the year. It can serve as a good start for discussion to finalize the “design” of […]

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The Adaptation To-Do-List for COP23

7 Nov 2017

ECO listened carefully to governments’ opening statements and is pleased to hear that adaptation is not forgotten. Ambitious adaptation is necessary for countries” sustainable efforts to succeed despite the growing impacts of climate change, which are unavoidable. Contributions such as the 50 million Euros pledge for the Adaptation Fund by Germany on day 1 of […]

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Keeping Up With Technology

7 Nov 2017

We all know that strong NDCs require strong support, including technology development and transfer.   Given the capacity gaps in many developing countries, matching national needs and NDC priorities and assessing the often complex technological choices and trade-offs can be a challenge. With rapid changes in technologies, developing countries will need more timely and suitable […]

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“Climate Neutral” Transportation?

7 Nov 2017

ECO received an invitation a few days ago to make its travel to COP23 “climate neutral”, by calculating the emissions of round trip air travel in tonnes of CO2 and compensating them. We decided to look into it a bit more and we have come out with more questions than answers.   First, is the […]

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COP 23: The Power of an Ocean

6 Nov 2017

What a year 2017 has been! No region has been spared the increasingly intense and extreme weather events that are becoming more frequent and as a result of climate change. Hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, floods, not to mention the superstorm that is the current US Administration. Fiji Prime Minister Bainimarama rightly said that when it comes […]

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US Action

6 Nov 2017

As COP23 begins, there is a large (orange) elephant in the room. The Trump Administration has made the US the only country that has fully rebuffed the spirit of Paris €” not only with threats of withdrawal but also renewed pledges to ramp up extraction of fossil fuels, and that’s not all. While the Administration […]

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Pacific Climate Warriors/Ende Gelande

6 Nov 2017

ECO wants to remind everyone that despite the somewhat familiar setting of Bonn, this is no normal round of climate change negotiations, it is historic.This is the first time that a Pacific Island Nation is leading a COP.  And ECO asks, who better to lead this process? After all, Pacific Island nations are some of […]

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International Transport and the Paris Agreement

2 Nov 2017

The MDBs and a Just, Paris-aligned Recovery – If you missed the Big Shift webinar catch up here! A Paris-aligned and just recovery to Covid-19 by the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) is a vital part of the global response. On 28th May, members of  the Big Shift Global Coalition organised a webinar to discuss this […]

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