
Bula! See you at the Talanoa!

14 Nov 2017

In recognizing the need to urgently enhance the action, we at ECO, along with the Parties, are quite excited for the 2018 Talanoa Dialogue. There is nothing ECO loves more than a good dialogue, especially one that will help identify new opportunities for cooperation, collaboration, and action. ECO believes that the Talanoa Dialogue has something for everyone, […]

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Patience pays off: Parties finally agree on Agriculture!

14 Nov 2017

ECO’s head is still spinning from all the hugging and selfies in the Agriculture negotiations yesterday. And it’s no wonder. After five years of frustrating negotiations, the Agriculture working group has finally come to an agreement and forwarded a major new decision to the COP. Congratulations, Parties! The newly agreed joint work between SBSTA and […]

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Insurance Charity is Not an Option

14 Nov 2017

Four years after the decision to create the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) on Loss and Damage, Parties are discussing a five-year work plan, which should have been started last year. In Paris, Loss and Damage was finally differentiated from Adaptation. However, American, Australian and European negotiators keep arguing that they don’t see how Loss and […]

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Far from Climate Finance Goal, Farther from Climate Justice

14 Nov 2017

On the Climate Finance Day of Action, ECO calls on the developed countries and Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to honour their climate finance pledges up to 2020 and beyond. They should look at the climate finance pledges for 2020 they made themselves as the€‹ absolute minimum baseline level for support to reach the Paris climate goals and to enhance resilience […]

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13 Nov 2017

Welcome to Bonn, Ministers! While it would have been nice to be in warm and sunny Fiji, the beautiful city of Bonn has welcomed us with its first snow of the season. If the weather is forcing you to take time away from statement writing for coffee breaks, we at CAN have taken it upon […]

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Argentina Must Maintain G20s Climate Momentum

13 Nov 2017

Like it or not, the G20 is an important political space where leaders of the top 20 economies of our world €” who account for about 3/4 of global emissions €” make political statements that attract a lot of attention, particularly from the business and finance communities. ECO would like to acknowledge the great job […]

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We ain’t wastin’ time: Time to Get Real About the Adoption Fund

13 Nov 2017

It seems as if developed nations spent the first week of COP 23 listening to the song “Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay” by Otis Redding.   ECO is astonished! At this Pacific COP, developed countries have been wasting time looking for arguments to avoid recognizing the urgency to increase support for loss and […]

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Make our planet (gr)eat again – Why implementation of agriculture discussions is critical to climate talks.

13 Nov 2017

The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) agriculture negotiations have been focussed on the way forward for a long time. Over the years, Parties have compiled their shopping lists and proposed recipes. Last week they came into the kitchen and properly started cooking.   ECO was looking forward to tasting G77’s offering, a […]

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This is Not a Drill: Geoengineering is on the Rise

13 Nov 2017

As carbon emissions remain prominent across the globe,  a group of entrepreneurs and researchers at Harvard University backed by venture capital are planning to expand their research on geoengineering through Solar Radiation Management (SRM). SRM techniques aim to block sunlight from entering the atmosphere, or reflect solar radiation back into space, thus €“ according to […]

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Getting the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform right at COP23

13 Nov 2017

The Fijian presidency has rightfully stressed that the operationalization of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform is a critical outcome that must be delivered on at COP 23.   For more than 20 years, the UNFCCC has failed to allow indigenous peoples to have their voice adequately heard. This is despite the value of […]

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