
Climate change education and participation: from mainstreaming to negotiating the matter!

16 Nov 2017

Education Day is a great opportunity for all actors to exchange information on best practices and to define the next steps to enhance partnerships for climate education. Climate education is not just a Bonn Zone topic. It is also something to be found in the Bula zone. As education is highlighted in the Paris Agreement […]

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“It’s not that we don’t trust you… but”

16 Nov 2017

ECO senses that Parties got stuck in the narrative: “it’s not that we don’t trust you€¦ but” and haven’t been able to get past the “but.” How can we can move towards more ambition if there is no trust among parties? ECO believes that a common sense of trust is the only way that parties […]

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The Lofoten Declaration: A call to tackle fossil fuel production

16 Nov 2017

While “fossil fuels” somehow managed to escape mention in the text of the Paris Agreement, there is a growing call in these halls for Parties to confront the primary driver of climate change head-on. The bottom line is that we have more readily and economically available oil, coal, and gas in already operating fields and […]

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Gender Day – Pacific Women Speak!

16 Nov 2017

Tuesday Nov 14 was Gender Day and ECO attended several events highlighting the work of Pacific Women in climate change. Diverse activists shared voices, views, actions and campaigns. Pacific women have also worked as part of the broader Women and Gender (WGC) constituency group, ensuring all Parties and Observers are heard and are taking into […]

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Fossil of the Day: Brazil Catches a Case of Oil Fever

16 Nov 2017


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Do You Stand With Fiji – Or With Trump?

15 Nov 2017

At the first ever COP hosted by a vulnerable island state, in a year that has witnessed record breaking temperatures, extreme weather events, climate skepticism, fake news, and stupidity in the form of incessant tweets, ECO asks: Developed countries, do you stand with Fiji and the vulnerable, or do you stand with Trump? If you […]

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15 Nov 2017

ECO has previously highlighted a major opportunity to build on the benefits of a global phase out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), by coupling the switch to refrigerants with low global warming potential (GWP) with energy efficiency improvements in the appliances that use them. By improving the energy efficiency of cooling appliances, countries can cumulatively avoid another […]

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Coal Retirements Keep US on Track for Paris Pledge, and Trump Can’t Stop It

15 Nov 2017

Donald Trump completely deserves every bit of the international criticism that he has received for his efforts to undermine the Paris Agreement. The White House-sponsored fossil fuel side event on Monday here in Bonn is just the tip of the quickly melting iceberg. You can add to that Trump’s decision to pull the US out […]

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Climate Chancellor with empty hands

15 Nov 2017

ECO is looking forward to Angela Merkel’s visit to COP23 today. With negotiations on a new government in Berlin at a decisive point, the German Chancellor cannot stay long in Bonn. What message will the so-called “climate Chancellor” bring to the delegates and the world watching the conference? Reading leaked papers from the current negotiations […]

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Loss and Damage Mythbusting

14 Nov 2017

ECO has been a fly on the wall at a number of meetings with developed country delegations and has been €¦ disturbed, shall we say, by the utter nonsense and misinformation delivered at such meetings. ECO wishes to address the misconceptions and present nothing but the facts on loss and damage.   Myth 1: There is […]

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