
CAN Arab World 3rd Annual Regional Meeting

27 Apr 2018

The MDBs and a Just, Paris-aligned Recovery – If you missed the Big Shift webinar catch up here! A Paris-aligned and just recovery to Covid-19 by the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) is a vital part of the global response. On 28th May, members of  the Big Shift Global Coalition organised a webinar to discuss this […]

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Just Transition

16 Apr 2018

Are we just in a transition or do we need to be in a just transition? A fundamentally important difference. We have seen too often the blue-collar workforce being left behind with rapid unemployment in run-down regions as major industrial regions become graveyards for the steel, coal and other heavy industrial production sectors. This generates […]

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The Year Of Talanoa

17 Nov 2017

2018 will be the year of the Talanoa dialogue. ECO is encouraged to see the design of the dialogue take shape and thinks the presidencies” design is fit for purpose. But ECO also wants to emphasize a few important points.   Parties made good progress in finding a solution to the question of how to […]

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Where Are We? Where Do We Want To Go? How Do We Get There?

17 Nov 2017

You probably recognise questions from the Fijian COP Presidency’s note on the Talanoa Dialogue. But when plotting the world’s long-term pathway to 1.5°C, these questions also become particularly relevant for the discussions.   “Where do we want to go?” and, “how do we get there?”, are especially key when thinking about long-term strategies. Article 4.1 […]

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International Expectations For Polish Presidency And COP24

17 Nov 2017

Next year will be the third time COP takes place in Poland €” this time in the city of Katowice. Remember the business-driven “Coal Summit” that coincided with COP19 and made international news from Beijing to Paris? It undermined Poland’s presidency and lead to Poland being labeled “Coaland.” But the forthcoming Polish presidency is also […]

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Amazon Hydroelectric Dams, Brazil and the Clean Development Mechanism

17 Nov 2017

Why are Brazilian negotiators fighting to resuscitate the CDM that already has one foot in the grave? With aim of plopping it into Article 6 and ICAO’s carbon offsetting scheme?   ECO has been informed that a new report ( by six Brazilian and international NGOs finds that Brazil’s scandal-plagued national power company, Eletrobrás, and […]

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Japan: No More Coal!

17 Nov 2017

ECO is totally shocked! Despite the strong criticisms over Japan’s tremendous overseas coal investments, it seems Japan still cannot hear the chorus of voices. Or maybe it is just ignoring them since we continue to hear very discouraging news that more new coal investments are under development. Just before this COP, Japanese trading company Marubeni […]

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GRULAC And the COP25 Candidate: Step Up And Keep 1.5C Alive!

17 Nov 2017

ECO always gets excited about a tropical COP! Having missed out on a trip to Fiji and with the prospect of being in a wintery Poland in 2018, ECO is itching to pack sun-cream and insect repellent for the next Latin American-hosted COP in 2019. Brazil made its generous offer to host COP25 on the […]

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No gap, No break, No pause – It is your job

17 Nov 2017

ECO is somewhat tired of repeatedly reminding ministers and negotiators of the work ahead before next year`s COP. But ECO warns governments that there is no excuse for laziness. You signed and ratified Paris. Well done. But history walks on. ECO is convinced it is high time to put the money where your mouth was […]

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Fossil of the Day: Colossal Fossil

17 Nov 2017

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