
Why are you so crazy about COAL, JAPAN?

4 Dec 2019

ECO can’t remember how often we have told Japan’s minister to stop coal.  The science is clear that new coal is not compatible with the Paris Agreement’s goal of 2°C, let alone 1.5°C. Japan came to Madrid empty-handed with no policy change Ž¯ again! Even worse, just yesterday, Mr. Kajiyama, Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade, […]

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Fossil of the Day

4 Dec 2019

It’s a tie! Three countries managed to equally rank first at being the worst!Today’s fossil award goes to Australia, Brazil and Japan. They managed to be as bad as each other! Prime Minister Scott Morrison enjoying a game of cricket as fires rage in Australia As Australia has been on fire in recent weeks €“ […]

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Filling your Shopping Cart to Get Article 6 Right. Item 1: Human Rights

3 Dec 2019

Dear Negotiators, you”ve seen your Article 6 shopping list, now ECO’s here to help you read the labels and understand exactly what it entails. Because you don’t want to buy the wrong thing – and knowing the details will help you make the right purchase. In Article 6, it is crucial to get everything right […]

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Are we Leaving Disabled Persons Behind in the Climate Crisis?

3 Dec 2019

Today is the International Day of Disabled People, which revolves around the theme “Promoting the participation of Persons with Disabilities and their leadership: taking action on the 2030 Development Agenda”. The latter is an agenda that involves leaving no one behind. Yet, disabled people are already being left behind in the climate crisis and the […]

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Voices from the Front Lines: For All Life – On the frontlines of Papua

3 Dec 2019

“For all life” €“ this was the cry echoed across the opening of both the Indigenous People’s Pavilion and the Plenary on day one of COP25. “For the lives of our children, our grandchildren, and future generations.” This seems a simple sentiment , but for those defending environmental justice and human rights on the frontlines, […]

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How Much Longer Can We Ggnore Loss and Damage?

3 Dec 2019

The Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) was set up to address the devastating loss and damage in the most vulnerable developing countries. But 6 years later, it is clear that this international mechanism has become little more than a talk shop with minimal  on-the-ground benefit to the most vulnerable.  When Typhoon Idai swept through Mozambique, the […]

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A #StepUp for Ambition Means a Giant Leap for Humankind

3 Dec 2019

Here at the “People’s COP” it is the people’s position that all Parties should be shooting for the stars by at the very least signalling their intention to increase ambition to their fair share, in line with 1.5ºC. With developed countries taking the lead.  The scientific reality lit up the sky over Katowice last year […]

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We Burn, You Pay: Brazil’s Brand New Negotiation Tactic

3 Dec 2019

Brazil’s Environment minister Ricardo Salles is taking a two-week break from all the trouble back home and enjoying the good wine and tapas in Madrid. In his spare time, he embarrasses his country’s professional diplomats by trying to play negotiator. His tactic: to blackmail richer countries into paying Brazil for burning down the Amazon rainforest. […]

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Welcome to Madrid

2 Dec 2019

Dear Delegates, ECO is glad you found your way to Santiago de Chile Madrid. Rest assured, ECO will not forget about the people of Chile and will closely follow the situation and update you. But not only the location of COP25 has changed. Just like the IPCC 1.5°C Special Report last year adjusted our frame […]

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Shopping for article 6 rules

2 Dec 2019

In some parts of the world, today is cyber Monday, one more day of consumption splurge. ECO is no fan of this consumerist model, but in a conciliatory spirit, we have prepared a shopping list nonetheless. And what better thing to hunt for on a day aimed at driving market activity than a robust set […]

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