
Youth Sound the Alarm

7 Oct 2009

Today the international youth delegation will sound the alarm to the world, declaring “no confidence” on the road to Copenhagen. A young person from every continent will join together to say they are not being dramatic. They will state what they see as obvious; what is likely to come out of Copenhagen will not secure their […]

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Tick Those Kyoto Boxes

7 Oct 2009

It is high time that certain rules and issues under the Kyoto Protocol get resolved if countries are to complete them by Copenhagen. Some of these have been discussed for two years or more and Bangkok needs to bring these to a close. After all, the more time spent talking about base year, for example, […]

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IEA World Outlook: Our Planet is Worth Saving

7 Oct 2009

The benefits of taking serious steps to solve global warming far outweigh the costs, says the International Energy Agency (IEA) in its World Energy Outlook 2009 Climate Change excerpt report released yesterday. A tool for the IEA’s regular projection of global energy use and global warming pollution, its report this time is particularly significant as […]

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CAN Presser: Progress is slow, developed nations must step it up

6 Oct 2009

Today’s press conference updated media and CAN partners on how negotiations are going at the UNFCCC climate negotiations underway in Bangkok, Thailand. Speaking at the press conference were Tove Ryding representing Greenpeace International, Angela Anderson of US CAN and Wael Hmaiden from IndyAct. Ryding reported that the negotiations are not accelerating by half the speed […]

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100 Asian Youth Travel to Bangkok to Call for Climate Action

6 Oct 2009

Delegates may have taken Sunday off, but youth from across Asia were busy organizing to shake up the negotiations and demand action from world leaders. Nearly 100 youth from over 10 Asian countries joined the Asian Youth Climate Workshop last weekend to learn about the climate crisis, the UNFCCC, and prepare to create a […]

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Saudi Arabia Awarded Fossil of the Day for Oct. 5th

6 Oct 2009

CAN International gave its Fossil of the Day award to the following countries judged best at blocking progress over the past day of negotiations. First Place: Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia stated today that there was no need to include figures under the Shared Vision text. Apparently, a simple reference to the “ultimate objective of the […]

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March for Climate Justice

6 Oct 2009

Around noon today, 2,000 people from the Asian Peoples Solidarity for Climate Justice will march from Peace Park to the United Nations ESCAP building. Their intention is to raise awareness within Thailand and globally of the need for a fair and safe agreement on climate change in Copenhagen. They will be joined by the Urban […]

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Show us the Emissions

6 Oct 2009

As ever in the arcane world of Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry LULUCF negotiations, progress towards a shorter text this week has not necessarily made it easier to understand. ECO has even caught whiff of some positive changes, though it is hard to get more than a whiff when everything is behind closed doors. […]

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Some Progress: More Action Needed

6 Oct 2009

ECO was excited to see streamlined adaptation text emerging over the weekend, with content on almost all fundamental points. In addition, the Co-Chairs expect to have a shorter text by the end of the week. Based on the contact group discussions, there is convergence between Parties on “practical delivery” but divergence on some vital areas. These […]

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The Week Ahead

5 Oct 2009

Last week there was much talk of elephants in the room. Today, ECO chooses to highlight members of the cat family. The UNFCCC process is crawling forward like a timid kitten but the pace must accelerate to cheetah-like speed at once if effective actions are to be taken in Copenhagen. The first observation on last […]

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