
CAN Daily Press Conference Webcast–Dec. 10

10 Dec 2009

Webcast Notice View Briefing: Thursday, December 10, 2009 Webcast Available on Copenhagen Climate Talks Briefing Assessing Negotiations, Tuvalu Actions, LULUCF Logging Loopholes and EU Heads of State Visit [Copenhagen, Denmark] An on-demand webcast is available streaming this morning’s press briefing in Copenhagen. Experts focused on Tuvalu’s actions yesterday and potential LULCF loopholes to pay […]

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Fossil of The day, AND a first ever…. surprise!

10 Dec 2009

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A bold move in dark times

10 Dec 2009

ECO could not help but hear the roars of applause in the hallways yesterday as Tuvalu reentered the COP in the afternoon.  What prompted such a boisterous response? Tuvalu, supported by AOSIS and other most vulnerable countries, called for a Contact Group to discuss its proposal of a new protocol under the Convention.  Amidst pressure […]

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EU: Gone are the days…

10 Dec 2009

Back in 2007, Liverpool Football Club were finalists in the UEFA Champions League. This year they didn’t even qualify. Take a peek at their targets, and you see that Europe must be experiencing a similar feeling to Liverpool. Back in 2007, when Europe signed up to a 20% cut in its emissions by 2020, the […]

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AI loopholes

10 Dec 2009

Those of us who don’t like playing Russian roulette with the planet are looking for aggregate developed country targets greater than -40% from 1990 levels by 2020. In that light, the nominal pledges from developed countries, adding up to a humble 13-19%, look quite bad. But if one includes loopholes that could still make their […]

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CAN News Update, Day 3

10 Dec 2009

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The unusual suspects

10 Dec 2009

ECO had heard rumours about the possibility of a Mexican and Norwegian marriage on climate finance, but did not expect to see polygamy in the UN hallways. And it seems UK and Australia could not resist this love affair either. ECO wants to congratulate these odd bedfellows coming together. Any clarity on what Parties actually […]

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Is REDD’s compass at risk?

10 Dec 2009

Coming into Copenhagen, the REDD text included a global objective for halving gross deforestation by 2020 and halting forest loss by 2030. While ECO was coming prepared to push for greater ambition – we are now faced with the prospect of losing the global objective completely. In case Parties have lost their compass, ECO would […]

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Happy Human Rights Day!

10 Dec 2009

Sixty-one years ago today the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born. As humanity’s best expression of the minimum conditions for dignified life, the link to a safe global climate is obvious.

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Fast-track financing

9 Dec 2009

While there have been positive developments at the recent Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) meeting, funding needs to be allocated and delivered at this COP! The Adaptation Fund is already special: Its innovative features include priorisation of most vulnerable people, increasing developing country ownership and a funding mechanism that creates money additional to Official Development Assistance […]

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