
LULUCF: on the verge of a bad deal

7 Jun 2010

Will the LULUCF roller coaster end in a train wreck? Last week was LULUCF week here in Bonn. It all started with a KP Chair intent on finalizing the LULUCF rules, despite the existence of enormous loopholes.  In particular, the approach to forest management accounting favoured by Annex I Parties would allow developed countries to […]

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7 Jun 2010

Ludwig is dismayed to hear that Parties are considering shortening the length of the sessional periods for 2014 and 2015 by up to 4 out of 11 work days.  Ludwig has long maintained that all that is needed is political will to get the job done, not time. However, if political will actually materializes, Ludwig […]

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Next Steps for the LCA Text

7 Jun 2010

Parties, observers and the media alike are avidly awaiting the unveiling of new LCA draft text this week.  ECO has hopes that the amendations really will be ‘new and improved!’ and, more saliently, to the text being adopted by Parties as the basis for negotiations. In the spirit of starting negotiations with the best foot […]

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Elements toward a High-Performance MRV Framework

7 Jun 2010

Welcome to this special supplement to ECO.  After a lively debate the first week of this session, we would like to  present elements of a balanced and comprehensive overview of the issues regarding MRV (monitoring, reporting and verification). While some would like to use the debate around MRV as an  opportunity to obscure their lack […]

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Yvo de Boer sendoff

6 Jun 2010

The Climate Action Network put on a send-off for outgoing UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer last night at the traditional "NGO Party" at the mid-way point of the ongoing UNFCCC negotiations.  See below for two videos from the event… Thanks to OneClimate for the videos!

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Fossil of the Day – 5 June 2010

6 Jun 2010

FOSSIL OF THE DAY AWARDS Bonn, Germany, June 5, 2010 The Climate Action Network (CAN), a coalition of over 500 NGOs worldwide, gives out  ‘Fossil of The Day’ awards to the countries who perform the worst during the past day’s negotiations at the UN climate change conference. The awards given out on June 5, 2010 […]

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Dear Brollies…

5 Jun 2010

While walking past the copy machine in the Maritim, ECO spotted a teacher's note intended for the 'Brollies' (Australian slang for the small tent-like device called an 'umbrella' designed to shield oneself from rain and other realities).  It read as follows: Dear Brollies . . . You're good at the 3 R's (reading, [w]riting and […]

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Bangladesh Launches Climate Change Resilient Fund

5 Jun 2010

Bangladesh signed an agreement to set up a Climate Resilient Fund with the UK, Sweden, Denmark and the EU at a ceremony featuring Dr. Hasan Mahmud, State minister, Ministry of Environment and Forest, and ambassadors from the contributing countries in Dhaka on 31 May. Connie Hedegaard, EU Commissioner for Climate Action was also present. The […]

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Focusing on Sources: the AGF Workshop

5 Jun 2010

Making progress on long-term finance is key to unlocking progress on an ambitious package in Cancun.  The upcoming Advisory Group on Climate Finance (AGF) workshop is a chance to clarify questions about the role of the panel and how it connects with the UNFCCC negotiations. Last September, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's first proposed a high […]

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The 4Qs of Adaptation

5 Jun 2010

Stressed negotiators hurrying into today's adaptation focused LCA contact group need not worry if they have arrived somewhat unprepared.  ECO is pleased to provide the four answers that have the potential to make a difference. On response measures (Q1), this question should be considered off-topic because the Bali Action Plan (adopted even by 'Friends of […]

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