
When climate change becomes weather change …

3 Oct 2010

  ‘Hottest day in Los Angeles history’ ‘The mercury hit a blistering 113°F (45.0°C) at 12:15 pm PDT yesterday [Monday, Sep. 27] in downtown Los Angeles, making it the hottest day in Los Angeles history. It may have gotten hotter, but the thermometer broke shortly after the record high was set. The previous record in […]

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Stand and Deliver

3 Oct 2010

Next Sunday, October 10, the day after the close of the Tianjin conference, the world will take action – over 5,000 actions, to be precise, in more than 165 countries around the globe. The 10/10/10 Global Work Day organized by and many others will highlight the public appetite for action that has only grown […]

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EU: Time to Lead

11 Jun 2010

Remember the days when the EU had a clear impact on international climate negotiations? It had focused, ambitious positions, communicated well in advance before coming to the UNFCCC talks, and it was convinced of the benefits a low-carbon economy would bring to its citizens. Those were the times when the EU could act as a […]

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Homework for Bonn III: 
New LCA Text

11 Jun 2010

Just before ECO was going to bed, a fresh revision of LCA text landed. ECO congratulates the Chair for moving swiftly forward in facilitating the negotiations. Now delegates have something to take back home to their ministers, to prove that they weren’t just playing football with the Secretariat and the NGOs, and that they indeed […]

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Fossil #1: Saudi Arabia, 
Kuwait, Qatar, Oman

11 Jun 2010

First place fossil goes to these four Parties for risking the good faith and integrity of the negotiations by blocking all attempts to secure a technical review of the 1.5 target and suggesting that vulnerable countries use Google to get information that they need/want. They did this in the teeth of emotional pleas from vulnerable […]

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Honorary Fossil Award: BP-USA

11 Jun 2010

BP-USA is awarded an Honorary Fossil Award from CAN International for fostering our addiction to fossil fuels, an 
addiction that is driving global warming towards dangerous climate change and lies behind the disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. The consequences of forgoing a global agreement to move off fossil fuels and invest in a […]

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Green Shoots for the Financial Mechanism

10 Jun 2010

As a low-key session in the all too familiar confines of the Maritim draws to an end, the pressures, ambitions and disappointments of Copenhagen are fading into the background. Green shoots are appearing in the LCA finance negotiations, where the dry discussions of institutions, functions, accountability and authority are turning into a rich and productive […]

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Cut the Nonsense

10 Jun 2010

With an issue as serious as the survival of entire nations, you would think all governments would be able to negotiate the matter seriously and in good faith. However, as last night’s teeth-rattling exercise in negotiations dentistry showed, even agreeing a technical report about potential 1.5° C scenarios is not immune. During the SBSTA evening […]

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Progressing the Nairobi Work Programme

10 Jun 2010

Let’s face it, there hasn’t been that much progress here in Bonn to address the climate challenge. So ECO wants to share some thoughts about the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP). The NWP was set up by decision 2/CP.11 to support all Parties in addressing vulnerability and impacts of climate change and adaptation. It was established […]

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10 Jun 2010

As Ludwig observed the evening SBSTA session, his mood changed from mid-week ennui to the edge of irritation.  Clearly, what the OPECs need to do is take a lesson from the Annex I forest management folk. After all, fossil fuels are merely dead vegetation and we all know that emissions from dead vegetation need not […]

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