
LULUCF: Moment 
of Decision

1 Dec 2010

The future of Annex I forests and their role in climate change mitigation is about to be decided here in Cancun. ECO has long highlighted how inappropriate and possibly fraudulent LULUCF accounting rules could be used by Annex I Parties to avoid accounting for their forestry emissions. This week a group of NGOs assessed the […]

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CAN-Europe Side Event EU climate financing: 
NGO analysis and recommendations

1 Dec 2010

CAN-Europe Side Event EU climate financing: 
NGO analysis and recommendations   Has the EU kept its FSF promises? What did you think of the EU’s presentation of its fast start finance report yesterday? Is the EU living up to its commitments? How can it do better? CAN-Europe warmly invites you to a discussion with high […]

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High Time for 
Bold Moves on Legal Form

1 Dec 2010

Today, Parties are expected to consider the numerous proposals for a new legally binding instrument under the Convention as well as proposed amendments to the Kyoto Protocol in the COP and CMP Plenaries, respectively. ECO remembers that last year this discussion caused quite a fuss. In the end, the consideration of legal form was relegated […]

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Japan: No to Kyoto 
Under Any Circumstances

1 Dec 2010

When leadership was needed most, the home country of the Kyoto Protocol made a destructive statement in the KP plenary. It rejected a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol by saying ‘Japan will not inscribe its target under the KP on any conditions or under any circumstances’. ‘Preferring’ a single-treaty approach is one thing, […]

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Cancun Personals

1 Dec 2010

HOLIDAY ROMANCE IN MEXICO. Currently struggling with a 13-year relationship, just looking for a good time in the Cancun sun. Likes: excellent food, movies, comic books, robots and big industry. Dislikes: commitment, cooperation, compliance, science and targets. If interested please email:

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Fossil of the Day

1 Dec 2010

#1 – Japan For announcing it will not inscribe its target in a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol under any conditions or circumstances.  

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Fossils of the Day

30 Nov 2010

#1 – Canada This month, the federal Senate killed a progressive climate change bill without even bothering to 
debate it. #2 – Canada Conservative government plans to cut the only major renewable energy support program, funding for Canada’s climate science foundation, etc. #3 – Canada Reduced its national target after Copenhagen and brought back 
environment […]

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Canada Adrift

30 Nov 2010

Let’s say you’re a tar sands loving North American government with a bit of a carbon dependency problem. You need a clever way to get away with doing nothing on climate change, and you notice that your neighbor to the south won’t have an easy time getting a cap-and-trade bill through its Congress. For Canada’s […]

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The Climate 

30 Nov 2010

As the SBSTA opens today, ECO would like to remind delegates of a crucial item on the agenda: the proposal for a technical review of the science relating to long-term temperature increases of more than 1.5° C above pre-industrial levels. What’s this all about? It’s about clarifying what is really at stake here. It’s about […]

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CRP.1: Steps toward a Package

30 Nov 2010

Many parties commented in the COP plenary about this year’s record temperatures and extreme weather events. This comes as ECO reflects on the Royal Society’s recent treatise on a rapidly warming +4 degree world . . . the kind of world resulting from a lack of ambition. The need for dramatic action on mitigation has […]

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