
Plan (and then DO) the work: Don’t bicker over the agenda

5 Apr 2011

ECO has been impressed with the quality of both the presentations and Q&A sessions in the workshops over the past two days, and hopes parties will keep focused on content in the coming days.  Alas, we hear, parties are gearing up for a multiple day discussion about the agenda over the next three days, rather […]

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The Emperor’s Clothes

4 Apr 2011

ECO keenly looks forward to today’s presentations on developing country action as we expect they will demonstrate more ambition and readiness for action than what was presented yesterday. Many developing countries have recognized that their pledges and NAMAs can reduce emissions while growing their economies sustainably and creating a climate safe future. A future where […]

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Brave New Zealand!

4 Apr 2011

One of the first things the current Zealand Government did when it came to power was to announce its intention to replace the country’s existing Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategies. Both had strong Green Party support because of the moves towards favouring renewable energy over the burning of fossil fuels. In yesterday’s workshop, the New […]

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Comparisons Ain’t Odious

4 Apr 2011

The word ‘comparable’ in English carries a double meaning, meaning both ‘capable of being compared’, and ‘similar or equivalent’. The capability of being compared remains a vital component to the evolving climate regime – otherwise we have no climate regime and will be in a completely bottom up world, with all the lack of ambition […]

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The Truth About Mitigation – It’s Still Inconvenient!

4 Apr 2011

The bright and shiny moments in yesterday’s workshop on mitigation targets of developed countries were noticeable, albeit sparse, and mostly rhetorical. It seems to ECO, the truth is still inconvenient! We learned that reducing emissions is good for the economy. Many countries re- affirmed the need to increase the ambition level and were very aware […]

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The Case for 30% is Clear

3 Apr 2011

Before today’s presentations of the pledges get underway, ECO decided to offer some of its own “clarifications” about the EU mitigation pledge. And it’s mostly good news.  The emissions cuts made by the EU in 2009 were already 17.3 % below 1990 levels, so the 20% target by 2020 is almost already met. ECO isn’t […]

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Probably the last LULUCF Article Ever?

3 Apr 2011

In Cancun, Parties finally acknowledged that Annex I targets must not be set in isolation from a thorough analysis of the loopholes threatening to undermine them. ECO would applaud this accomplishment, were it not such an obvious step to take. The UNEP Emissions Gap report, the Climate Analytics/Ecofys analysis and consistent NGO campaigning all shone […]

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An Honest Conversation

3 Apr 2011

Dear delegates, ECO welcomes you back to work with a recap of two Cancun decisions important for today's mitigation workshop. Firstly, you promised the world to aim to limit temperature increases to below 2°C, and to review from 2013-2015 whether this aim needed strengthening to 1.5°C. That promise represented progress of sorts for many of […]

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Basic countries NGOs are bringing a new perspective to cooperation on Climate Change

10 Dec 2010

With the progress made in last two meetings in Bonn and Tianjin, NGOs in BASIC countries move forward beyond experience sharing and begin to discuss how do we see each other and how to build collaboration in coming future. The first step is to identify what are the common challenges and differences we are facing […]

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[VOICE] Climate Change and Poverty Eradication

10 Dec 2010

Climate change presents a profound threat to Indonesia’s vision of a a self-sustaining, self-governing society that secures the health and sustainability of the natural resources and the environment while pursuing socio-economic well-being that is equitable and democratic. The world’s poorest people are the most vulnerable to climate change though they contribute least to its causes. […]

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