
SBI & SBSTA Agenda Woes

8 Jun 2011

ECO watched with dismay the two-day (and counting…) negotiation over the agenda of the subsidiary bodies.  We were happy to see that the Ad hoc Working Groups got underway in a constructive fashion yesterday and hope to see quick resolution to the issues holding up the SBI and SBSTA. Since these discussions are taking place […]

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When is Mitigation “Meaningful?”

8 Jun 2011

According to the fossil fuel lobbyists in Brussels, Washington or Canberra, it is only developed countries that are being pressured to cut their greenhouse gas emissions. Those special interest lobbyists, and the governments that listen to them, should pay attention in the mitigation workshops this week. ECO notes that the majority of the emission reductions […]

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Improving LULUCF Data Quality: An Issue of Political Will

7 Jun 2011

ECO feels strongly that Parties should stop hiding behind the issue of data quality in order to avoid accounting for emissions from their lands sector. Indeed this is an issue that should be tackled in SBSTA discussions on methodological grounds this week. Under current LULUCF proposals, countries can choose which land use activities under article […]

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That Was Then, This is Now… EU (In)Action on the Road to Durban

7 Jun 2011

Do you remember almost three years ago when the EU adopted its climate and energy package it also promised that it would upgrade its weak ‘business as usual’ 20% target to 30% if other countries took comparable action? (ECO reminds the EU and other Parties that at least 40% is needed,  three quarters of which […]

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Get the Slides Out – But Don’t Tell Us Something We Already Know

7 Jun 2011

As Parties prepare their slides for the two upcoming mitigation workshops, ECO invites Parties to leave out those slides that do not contain new information but focus instead on what will help closing the gigatonne gap. We would like to see on the first slide of each presenting developed country Party, the true emissions in […]

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The $100 Billion+ Question

7 Jun 2011

Cancun delivered the Green Fund, now Durban must deliver the sources of finance to fill it. Where the money will come from is the $100 billion+ question governments will need to answer at the African COP. Financial flows for climate action must be scaled up to the tune of several hundred billion dollars a year. […]

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Climate Financing Finally Taking Off?

7 Jun 2011

Would delegates complain if their ticket price to come to the Bonn session has a small surcharge to cover the allowances for the aviation emissions?How about  if the money that is collected was destined for climate finance? Well, the inclusion of international aviation into the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) precisely does that. The aviation […]

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The Adaptation Cocktail

7 Jun 2011

The adaptation agenda is fully packed, and there are a number of crucial issues to move forward in order to deliver a good outcome in Durban. Coming to Bonn and feeling the summer sun on their skin, delegates should imagine they were to mix the ideal adaptation cocktail, which would provide refreshment as well as […]

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Australian World Environment Day Rally

7 Jun 2011

Yesterday Australia witnessed huge rallies across the country – of people actually calling for a new tax. Rallying to support the Gillard Government’s plan to introduce a carbon tax in July next year – tens of thousands of people in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Brisbane and Hobart (I bet some of you didn’t know that […]

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Expectations For Bonn

7 Jun 2011

Friends, delegates: We find ourselves at a crucial time.  A record increase in greenhouse gas emissions last year, to the highest carbon output in history, puts your target of keeping warming below 2 degrees in jeopardy.  It puts the more important temperature threshold of 1.5 degrees – the limit needed to keep the sovereignty of […]

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