
2020: Too Late to Wait

28 Nov 2011

In Durban, we are at a crucial turning point in addressing climate change. Governments will choose either to delay progress or recognize that meaningful action is needed now. The world  is dangerously close to passing the threshold for runaway climate  change. Delaying the negotiation of a global binding deal to 2020 will condemn people worldwide […]

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CAN Pre-COP Workshop 2011 Announcement

12 Oct 2011

Climate Action Network-International is excited to inform that as part of our ongoing efforts under the Southern Capacity Building program, a "Pre-COP Workshop" will be organized for developing country CAN members in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 19th to 21st October 2011.  About 50 participants will be attending the workshop. This event is primarily for civil […]

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Human Misery, if Business as Usual at Panama Climate Talks

7 Oct 2011

Isaac Kabongo Executive Director Ecological Christian Organisation (ECO) Uganda The United Nations declared that 11.5m people currently need humanitarian assistance across East Africa and many more could join them. The BBC reported that millions in Somalia and across the Horn of Africa face dire food shortages due to the worst regional drought for decades. On […]

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Getting the Durban Deal Done

7 Oct 2011

ECO has been clear in its call for a three-part outcome in Durban: adoption of a strong second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol; a mandate for negotiation of a more comprehensive and ambitious longer-term climate regime based on both scientific adequacy and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capacities; and a […]

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Time To Act

7 Oct 2011

Panama Canal: In traditional Panamanian dress, campaigners with the message Time to Act (Es Hora de Actuar) highlighted options to tackling emissions from international shipping – which are twice that of Australia and climbing – that were on the agenda at the UN climate talks in Panama. The talks are the last before government ministers meet in Durban, South Africa […]

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Finding the Finance

7 Oct 2011

ECO is pleased to see the discussions on long-term finance in Panama finishing on a better note than they started. Too many hours in Panama were lost as developed countries pondered whether there was a need to even discuss how to mobilize the money they committed in Cancun. At one stage one developed country party […]

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Adapting for Durban

7 Oct 2011

ECO has noted that adaptation negotiators have worked seriously to make decent progress on the Adaptation Committee in the last days here in Panama. The time for adding new text suggestions should be over now. Parties should sort out differences, produce the negotiating text and leave only the political issues to be tackled in Durban. […]

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A Fund to Inspire the World

7 Oct 2011

There are nine days left before the members of the Transitional Committee (TC) tasked with the design of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) will gather in Cape Town, South Africa for their fourth and final meeting before the COP in Durban. It is clear that discussions are in a critical phase. The outcome of the […]

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Moving Planet

7 Oct 2011

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28 Mouths – 1 Voice

7 Oct 2011

ECO truly appreciates that the European Union still supports the Kyoto Protocol (KP), and is heartened by the commitment of the EU to continue (what some might call) ranting about the importance of a legally binding regime. This week, ECO has been particularly pleased to see that the EU started to show some more readiness […]

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