
AAUs: Don’t Let ‘Hot Air’ Go Stale

30 Nov 2011

‘Hot air’ (surplus AAUs) must be properly addressed in Durban. This is perhaps one of the most important points on which agreement needs to be reached for the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.  The total amount of AAUs is around 7.5-10 Gt CO2e – in other words, roughly one-third of the current 2020 […]

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Brazil: Protect Your Forests!

30 Nov 2011

As the world tries to find ways to reduce global emissions, Brazil is on the verge of igniting a real carbon bomb. A bill to change the country’s Forest Law is about to be approved, resulting in the increase of deforestation by reducing protected areas, removing the obligations for the restoration of cleared areas, and […]

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US: No More Denial!

30 Nov 2011

Many hoped President Obama would be a breath of fresh air on American willingness to respond to the consensus of global climate science. The science says climate change is happening due to human activity, and it’s urgent. Yesterday, the US confirmed its denial on the second proposition. The US received a Fossil of the Day […]

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EU: Stand and Deliver!

30 Nov 2011

Where does Connie Hedegaard, and where does the EU, really stand? ECO has learned that in a hidden room in the parking garage of the ICC, the European Commission is now pushing the 27 member states towards an 8-year second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. What is going on? Why would the Commission so […]

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Arrgggh, Canada!

29 Nov 2011

We really thought thought Canada couldn’t get any worse . . . But now credible reports are saying that before the end of the year, Canada is going to formally withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol. This can only be seen as an unacceptable breach of trust in the global climate talks, where the vast majority […]

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UNEP: Bridging the Gap

29 Nov 2011

Many delegates at last year’s COP in Cancun failed to take note of a rather large elephant lurking in the meeting rooms and corridors. And now that elephant has made its way to this COP – and has grown even larger. Just last week, the UN Environment Programme issued an updated version of its landmark […]

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LULUCF: Are We Outraged Yet?

29 Nov 2011

One of the most important principles in the climate negotiations is that of common but differentiated responsibilities. CBDR means that while it is everyone’s job to reduce emissions, Annex I Parties have the lion’s share of historical emissions and therefore should demonstrate leadership with more ambitious emission reductions. Specifically, to have a chance of keeping […]

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A Menu for the Adaptation Committee

29 Nov 2011

Can COP 17 conclude with a fully fleshed out adaptation package? ECO has a few healthy ideas. A good place to start is the Adaptation Committee negotiated under the AWG-LCA. The comprehensive draft decision text from Panama provides the basis. The AC should be operationalised and start its work as soon as possible, and it […]

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Fossil of the Day

29 Nov 2011

#1 CANADA Heading for the KP Exit Ramp   #2 CANADA Playing ‘Hardball’ in Durban   #3 UK Supporting Canada’s Tar Sands

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2020: Too Late to Wait

28 Nov 2011

In Durban, we are at a crucial turning point in addressing climate change. Governments will choose either to delay progress or recognize that meaningful action is needed now. The world  is dangerously close to passing the threshold for runaway climate  change. Delaying the negotiation of a global binding deal to 2020 will condemn people worldwide […]

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