
Launching the ‘Ambition Work Programme’

3 Dec 2011

  We are hearing delegates are having sleepless nights because of the yawning gap between current mitigation pledges and what’s needed for a credible 2° C pathway. Perhaps not all of them are genuinely worried because of the implications for humanity. Some may just feel uncomfortable to be reminded that they have not done the […]

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Youth and the Future

2 Dec 2011

  Yesterday was Young and Future Generations Day, and among the many events that took place, one message came across loud and clear: The time for political inaction has run out. Young people have a critical role to play in the negotiations, one that is often underutilized. As the primary stakeholders in the outcomes of […]

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The A-Z of MRV

2 Dec 2011

Robust measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) is a critical part of the Durban outcome. But 24 hours before the new text is out, with Parties hard at work, ECO is concerned that key MRV elements are at risk of falling off the table. First, let’s review the fundamentals: The reason we’re all learning the MRV […]

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Who’s Afraid of Provisional Application?

2 Dec 2011

If only we could apply climate change provisionally! For the last couple of days, we have heard a number of developed countries make allusions to constitutional concerns about provisional application of the amendment for a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol. While commending these parties for continued support of a multilateral, legally binding, rules-based […]

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Taking the High Road to a Mandate

2 Dec 2011

ECO has long insisted it is necessary to agree a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. All developed countries under the KP should ratify their new 5-year QEROs (quantified emission reduction obligations), base year 1990, having a level of ambition consistent with a fair share towards their agreed 2º C goal. Yet it is […]

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Hors d’oeuvres or a full course meal for Durban

2 Dec 2011

Lina Li Consultant Shanshui Conservation Center China   Sitting in front of gate 24 in Hong Kong’s airport, I await for my flight to South Africa… another COP ….(deep sigh). I'm about to head off to my 3rd COP and the memories of Copenhagen come rushing back – my first COP; that debacle was enough […]

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Take Good NAPs

30 Nov 2011

As Parties start to feel the effects of lack of sleep here at the COP, they might want an afternoon nap.  But ECO knows Parties won’t want to fall asleep on the job when it comes to crafting a decision on the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).  Durban needs to deliver a decision that formalizes and […]

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MRV: Opaque ‘Transparency’ or Meaningful Participation

30 Nov 2011

ECO finds it heartening that that most Parties see Durban as the time to adopt essential guidelines and modalities on the key MRV issues.  To be sure there are some gaps, which we will return to soon.    But we’re dismayed to see almost no mention of stakeholder engagement in the November 18th text. It seems […]

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Fossil Subsidies: Hiding in Plain View

30 Nov 2011

Looking to fill gaps?  Eliminate fossil-fuel subsidies! On the way to Durban, ECO was rereading some of the past articles that have graced its pages. One that is particularly striking and poignant is from Bonn in June 2011. Title: “Developed country UNFCCC climate finance commitments in 2013”.  Article text: “0”.  It is also striking just […]

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Fossil of the Day

30 Nov 2011


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