
Basic Climate Equity

5 Dec 2011

If Durban is to be at least somewhat successful then Saturday’s release of the BASIC Experts paper on fair-shares global effort sharing will be recognized as a key breakthrough. That can help decide a 2nd commitment period for the KP while putting on the agenda serious consideration of a next generation mandate that’s fair enough […]

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“It always seems impossible, until it is done!”

5 Dec 2011

Manjeet Dhakal Clean Energy Nepal Program Director Nepal Photos: Civil Society meeting (top), UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Christiana Figueres, showing off the CAN COP17 lanyard (bottom). Civil society lanyards proudly touting this quote by Nelson Mandela was a good choice by CAN and the perfect fit for Durban.  Its timeliness resonates with many a delegate at […]

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Fossil of the Day – Saturday 3 December

5 Dec 2011


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African Expectations from Durban Climate Talks

4 Dec 2011

Mamady Kobele Keita Climate change team leader Guinee Ecologie Guinea   Durban 2011 – COP17 started last Monday, bringing together delegates from the parties to the climate convention (UNFCCC) and global and civil society organisations. For us, from Africa, the most vulnerable continent to the adverse impacts of climate change, the expectation is clear: reach […]

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Capacity Building Sinking Without a Trace?

3 Dec 2011

  ECO laments the loss of NGO hopes for a radically upgraded and revitalised approach to capacity building (CB) in developing countries. At the mid-point of COP-17, this possibility is in danger of sinking without a trace. ECO is also baffled. Baffled as to how this situation has come about. Perhaps it derives from some […]

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Poetry Corner

3 Dec 2011

Excuse me Australia, I know it’s a closed session, but I would like to ask a question…on rights Something like… Who’s got the right to light-up a furnace And just watch it burn through the blackest, darkest Light of a blind man’s midnight – and while its fire still flickers, Whittle their will down to […]

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CCS in the CDM: The Struggle for Climate Finance

3 Dec 2011

In Cancun, Parties decided that CCS is eligible in the CDM – provided that certain issues such as leakage and liability are resolved. As delegates are negotiating the details of modalities and procedures for this very questionable project type, it looks like Big Fossil is winning once again. This despite the fact that the viability […]

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2020 and the Climate: Milestone for Success or Epitaph for Failure

3 Dec 2011

We cannot afford to wait any longer to begin serious mitigation efforts.  The emissions reductions pledged in the Cancun Agreement currently set the world on a trajectory for a 4.3° C temperature increase by 2100. According to the new UNEP “Bridging the Gap” report, an additional 6 to 11 Gt CO2 in emissions reductions are […]

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Time to Get Serious About Loopholes

3 Dec 2011

Here’s a quick reminder: According to the latest UNEP report, the weak pledges from Annex I countries get us only about a third of the estimated emissions reductions that are needed if we want to have a two-in-three chance of avoiding more than 2° C warming. Unfortunately we have even more bad news: loopholes! Loopholes […]

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Words to the Wise

3 Dec 2011

At one point in her Thursday briefing for NGOs updating the 50+ issues under negotiation, the Executive Secretary spoke of how various texts were “maturing” since Panama. What an interesting choice of words! As we prepare to head into the second week, ECO hopes that attitudes mature along with the texts. Maturity implies a certain […]

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