
Canada: Nothing to Fear But Itself

15 May 2012

While many of you enjoyed your first full night of sleep after the Durban overtime, the Canadians had no such luck. Barely off the plane, Canada’s Environment Minister wasted no time in confirming the COP’s worst kept secret, that Canada was officially pulling out of the Kyoto Protocol. Many delegates probably had already given up […]

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First (and Possibly Last) Annual ECO Caption Contest

15 May 2012

Submit your funniest, cleverest, scariest or most insightful caption for the image at left before 20 May to Winning caption printed next week. Entries outside of Bonn accepted.  Prize:Free Copy of ECO!

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The Bonn Ultimatum

14 May 2012

ECO is hopeful that countries will approach the Bonn intersessional with a renewed vigour for making real progress towards a fair, ambitious and globally binding deal that reflects the scientific, economic and humanitarian imperatives.  Equity: All parties must make good faith efforts to understand each other's predicaments. The goal? Establish a commonly understood “equity corridor”, […]

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2015 – Setting the Pace in the Race for Ambition

14 May 2012

 As delegates bounce back to the Maritim, high off their post-Durban buzz, ECO thinks it’s worthwhile reminding them of the gravity of what they are negotiating. Durban very nearly failed. Had it done so, it would have empowered the formidable naysayers across the global economy, providing them with ample fuel to dismiss not only climate […]

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Rio+20 Points the Way to a Green Economy Without Poverty

12 May 2012 by Antonio de Aguiar Patriota In June 2012, Brazil will host the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, known as Rio+20. The time is right: there are clear signs that the current development models must be reformulated. Countries—regardless of their wealth—face serious economic and financial crises, social inequality, hunger, unemployment, losses in biodiversity and climate change. […]

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Transport related events at Bonn Climate Change Conference, May 2012

11 May 2012,Transport-Events-at-Climate-Change-.pdf Bridging the gap: Pathways for transport in the post-2012 process. The initiative "Bridging the Gap: Pathways for Transport in a Post 2012 process" is comprised of GIZ, TRL, Veolia Transdev, ITDP and UITP. The initiative was formed at COP14 in Poznan to encourage international recognition that land transport should play a more important role […]

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Just released for Rio+20: Video documentary on food challenges in Bangladesh, Chad and Ethiopia

7 May 2012 Written by James Heer In the context of the upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in June 2012, the Rome-based UN agencies released a new Hungry Planet episode, featuring solutions that work to increase food production and feed the expected 9.3 billion people by 2050.

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Ministers meeting in Bonn express determination to build on strong momentum of historic Durban climate change conference

6 May 2012 WAM Bonn, 5 May 2012 (WAM) — Ministers and high-level officials from 32 countries meeting informally in Bonn 4-5 May have expressed determination to build on the strong momentum of the UN Climate Change Conference in Durban to curb greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change.

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WWF – Canada Blog: Creating Sustainability at Rio+20: Ideas for the next ten years

4 May 2012 With the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development coming up in June, it’s important to reflect on what we want the next ten years to look like for our environment, our economy, and our communities.

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Rio+20 Policy Brief: food security for a planet under pressure

4 May 2012 Transition to sustainability: interconnected challenges and solutions   the challenge of feeding the world efficiently and equitably is considerable, but not insurmountable. Achieving food security for all, both now and in the future, depends on putting in place a strong foundation of multi-lateral and cooperative mechanisms that work across disciplines, sectors and national boundaries. institutions […]

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