
World Environment Day: Why Rio+20 Matters

5 Jun 2012 by Joe Ware With the global economy still in the doldrums, this year's World Environment Day on 5 June is trumpeting the merits of the Green Economy as an alternative way of creating jobs and growth – without trashing the planet. It also takes place 15 days before the snappily-titled Rio+20 United Nations Conference […]

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Nigerian Youth Set Their Own Rio +20 Agenda

29 May 2012 by Heather Murdock As world leaders prepare for the U.N.'s upcoming sustainable development conference in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Nigerian youth groups say they want to see the emergence of policies that help the country adapt to climate change and create jobs, and allow for their voices to be included in decision-making on the environment.

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At Rio+20, world must seize generational opportunity to achieve sustainable future – Ban

28 May 2012 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today urged countries to seize the opportunity provided by the upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) to set the world on a path towards a sustainable future, stressing that collective power in the form of partnerships will be crucial to address the challenges the planet is facing.

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25 May 2012

Roaming the corridors late on Thursday night, Ludwig heard rumours of agreement on the ADP agenda. Did he really hear right? After two weeks, can it really be that they've agreed on a footnote of an agenda, after being assured that the agenda is neutral and that the footnote doesn't mean anything? Wow! Probably the […]

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Fossil of the Day!

25 May 2012

1st Place Fossil of the Day to the US and 2nd Place Fossil to Australia and New Zealand The 1st place Fossil goes to the US for refusing to even discuss its mitigation and finance commitments under the Bali Action Plan. In the developed country mitigation spin-off group yesterday, the US stated its disagreement to […]

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Fill the Fund!

25 May 2012

As the end of the Fast Start Finance period approaches, ECO lies awake at night thinking about what happens next. There is nothing on the table for 2013 and beyond, and a huge mid-term finance gap is looming. ECO is as worried as developing countries that developed countries have little interest in discussing a scaling-up […]

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An Ill Wind

25 May 2012

ECO just caught wind of bizarre news. Apparently, a Japanese governmental committee is considering a range of pollution reduction targets that are lower than Japan's 25% target. When negotiators are discussing an agenda item on raising ambition so intensively (and Japan actually supports that agenda item here), this looks utterly strange.  Why should the range […]

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Bring Out the Tequila

25 May 2012

Watching the UNFCCC process from afar, one may well feel that the world is trying to address its carbon addiction by developing a new addiction to endless agenda fights. While many of the countries most responsible for climate change provide excuse upon excuse for woefully inadequate mitigation action, others are putting their shoulders to the […]

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Ask Poland

25 May 2012

Both developed and developing countries often complain that the EU will not answer their legitimate questions, such as "What is the EU position on carrying forward AAU surpluses?" and "As a so-called leader, why does the EU not move to at least a 30 percent domestic target, having already achieved around 17% reductions on 1990 […]

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CAN Collectibles: European Union

25 May 2012

**Errata: Yesterday's collectible indicated there was a "secret message" embedded in the series. That should have read "notsosecret message". The message is that countries should increase their ambition for Qatar. ECO regrets this confusion, but hopes that this was especially clear to Parties who reread the entire series, searching for the hidden message.**   European […]

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