
Only Fools DON’T Rush In (to a Low-Carbon Future)!

1 May 2013

Sometimes in life it pays to be contemplative. One should do one’s research before buying a house (who wants to live in a flood zone made more vulnerable by climate change?) or getting married (imagine if s/he is secretly a climate sceptic or a bottom-up advocate!) or starting a family (OK, so maybe that doesn’t […]

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Get To Work(shop)!

1 May 2013

ECO is getting worked up by these workshops. On Monday, we heard several distinguished delegates mention the importance of participation. Well, ECO would like to raise your participation and call for interaction! OK, so we’re being deliberately obtuse about what the distinguished delegate was referring to. Our “friends” from the brollies were actually setting up […]

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On Equity: Part 1

30 Apr 2013

ECO was positively surprised, during yesterday's ADP2 opening and the following workshop, hearing Parties expressing the fact that equity can't be neglected in the negotiations – a viewpoint that ECO shared long ago. Now that ECO and Parties have this common understanding on the importance of equity for the 2015 deal, let us suggest a […]

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You Can’t Feed Your Addiction and Break It, Too

30 Apr 2013

While delegates will be discussing low emission development opportunities in today’s workshop, many of your countries are still feeding their tragic addiction to fossil fuels. You say you want to keep global warming below 2°C and to keep the door open for 1.5°C, but in fact you are consuming fossil fuels as if 4 degrees […]

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Raise The Bar or Stay Home

30 Apr 2013

Even as CO2 concentrations are about to break the 400ppm threshold, fresh climate disasters are announced all over the planet, and carbon prices are collapsing because of lax targets on par with BAU, countries have apparently come to the UNFCCC ADP meeting in Bonn with nothing to offer. Developed countries seem to be looking off […]

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On Equity: Part 2

30 Apr 2013

The following are excerpts from a particularly incisive intervention in the ADP workshop yesterday afternoon. In case you missed it, ECO suggests you take a look. And if you didn't miss it, ECO suggests you take a look anyway, since it's a subject Parties need to work much more on: “What is needed is a […]

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Mothers of Ambition

29 Apr 2013

Plato observed in The Republic that necessity is the mother of invention.  Parties, he was speaking about you.  Humanity formed the State to enable the conditions for sufficient food, shelter and security.  Today we face an unprecedented challenge – how will we respond?  At this early stage in developing the global climate agreement in 2015, […]

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Putting the “2 (degrees)” back in Workstream 2

29 Apr 2013

It is well-trodden ground that there is a huge gap between what Parties say they want (staying below 2°C and keeping the door open to 1.5°C) and what Parties have pledged to contribute between now and 2020 to achieve that planetary necessity.   In theory, Workstream 2 has already identified how to bridge the gap […]

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CAN-International Job Announcement

5 Feb 2013

  Title: Node Development and Capacity Building Program Coordinator Location: Flexible Hours: Full-time Position description: The Climate Action Network – International (CAN) is currently seeking a Coordinator for its Node Development and Capacity Building Program. Over the past few years CAN has worked extensively with civil society organizations (CSOs) to ensure more effective participation, collaboration, […]

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Doha: Week 2

20 Dec 2012

  Baimey Ange David Emmanuel ONG JVE Cote d'Ivoire For me, the second week at Doha was filled with side events and policy meetings. To begin, Monday, December 3, the Climate & Development Network (RC & D) coordinates and I had a meeting with the French delegation and the French ambassador for climate change, Serge […]

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