
ECO’s (Che)easy Guide to Success in Bonn

3 Jun 2013

The year is not even halfway through and we have already seen devastating floods in Argentina and the melting of Arctic sea ice being linked to not only Australia's harshest ever summer, where they needed new colours to define “hot” on the map, but also a frozen spring in Europe. Climate impacts like these were […]

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CAN can Cook

3 Jun 2013

FAB 2015 Protocol (serves billions) Take a carbon budget compatible with staying below 2°C warming (1.5°C if you want to serve all); Make sure that the lid covers 100% of global emissions; To raise, add a framework for equitable burden sharing; Add two generous cups of money, one for adaptation, one for mitigation; Bouquet of […]

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Time For a Timetable

3 May 2013

The scope, structure, and design of the 2015 agreement must keep the global temperature increase below 1.5ºC. It must contain national, legally binding targets and actions on mitigation, adaptation and finance to achieve this goal within an overall framework of ambition, accountability and equity.  There has been a lot of discussion here in Bonn on […]

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From Bonn to Berlin: Ministers At the Petersberg Dialogue Take Over

3 May 2013

When the climate policy train leaves the ADP2 station in Bonn today, it moves on to Berlin at the Petersberg Dialogue. Germany and the next COP host, Poland, will serve as the conductors for this next stop. Three dozen ministers from around the world have been invited to this informal exchange of views to complement […]

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The Equity Review

3 May 2013

Today, it is widely understood that without a Science Review there would be no real possibility of achieving the ambition required by science. An Equity Review is imminently needed to muster sufficient political will for that needed ambition. Such a review must be based upon the equity principles that are embodied in the Convention, most […]

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Climate Finance In No Man’s Land

3 May 2013

The importance of finance to both raising pre-2020 mitigation ambition and getting a successful deal in 2015 cannot be overstated. Right now, climate finance appears to be in no man's land.  This year should mark the start of a new finance period, given that the Fast Start Finance period ended last year. Instead, we are […]

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Get Smart About PaperSmart

2 May 2013

ECO looks forward to contributing to the success of the Warsaw COP and rejoices at being able to play its part once again contributing to the acuteness of the discussions. Since time immemorial (or maybe it just feels that way), ECO has tried to enrich each negotiating session. We look forward to a PaperSmart conference, […]

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Adaptation Fund: Progressive But Poor!

2 May 2013

ECO would like to cast a bright light on whether there is sufficient progress in responding to the needs of the poor and vulnerable at an implementation level. We note that the Adaptation Fund is now established. It has approved funding for 27 adaptation projects with several projects more waiting to be funded. Furthermore, we […]

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Closing the Gap On Aviation and Shipping

2 May 2013

This is the year for a fresh start in addressing emissions from aviation and maritime transport – those uniquely international sectors that have generated so much discussion and so little action over the years. This year, the Assemblies, the highest bodies of both the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) […]

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ADaPtation Is Important!

2 May 2013

ECO listened carefully to yesterday’s roundtable on adaptation. The roundtable discussions brought forward new ideas and thinking on how adaptation can move ahead in the 2015 agreement in a way that adequately addresses escalating climate impacts.  There seems to be consensus that adaptation will be a key pillar of the 2015 UNFCCC agreement.  Additionally, many […]

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