
Science Says: Civil Society in the Negotiating Room Adds Value

11 Jun 2013

It is encouraging to note that Parties were satisfied with the progress they achieved during the previous ADP session. ECO also notes that observers were allowed in the rooms and invited to provide input in several sessions and roundtables. Contrary to popular belief that observers prevent Parties from having an open dialogue, this clearly shows […]

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To Russia, and really not feeling the love at this point:

10 Jun 2013

  We understand that you want to have your agenda item to hold over our heads like the Sword of Damocles for the coming years. And indeed, it’s true that the Saudis have their Response Measures item to wreak havoc with whenever they want, and others have made silly demands, and sometimes gotten away with […]

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Market Mania

10 Jun 2013

  Carbon markets are in the dumps and policy makers and market participants alike are scrambling to come to their rescue. This weekend, ECO spent two days with delegates to discuss the future of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and what changes to its underlying modalities and procedures are needed to make the CDM fit […]

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[Human Rights] in the CDM

10 Jun 2013

  After this weekend’s CDM reform workshop, ECO has new hope for the CDM’s ability to address human rights. For the first time in the history of the CDM, Parties had an open dialogue about the impacts of CDM on human rights. It is important to recall that Parties agreed to “fully respect human rights […]

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We Saw Success for Warsaw

10 Jun 2013

  ECO was impressed by the creative moves of the delegates on the dance floor Saturday night. Now, with only 16 meeting days left this year, ECO expects to see an increasing amount of creative and ambitious Party moves inside the negotiation rooms too, to make the COP in Warsaw a success. (It is worth […]

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Towards Consensus on Equity

10 Jun 2013

  ECO was overjoyed on Saturday when a number of Parties publicly called for a process to develop an Equity Reference Framework. Such a process would be an opportunity of the first order, one that could allow us to unlock ambition, maximise participation, and ensure success in Paris. South Africa, Kenya, Gambia on behalf of […]

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How Long is the Journey for EST to LDCs

8 Jun 2013

Sixbert Simon Mwanga Climate Action Network-Tanzania Climate technologies and technology transfer are very cruacial in the whole process of addressing climate change in developing countries and Africa in particular. It was recognized at the IPCC  Supplementary report to Assessment Report 1 (AR1) in 1992 that there is a need to develop the most potent climate […]

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Arabs are more than just oil

8 Jun 2013

Lama Ghaddar IndyACT The global campaign against climate change needs all the resources it can obtain, and the Arab world should not be an exception. The Arab world will not be safe from the impacts of climate change; in fact it will be one of the most affected regions. Arabs have to wake up and […]

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Don’t Be a Quitter, Be a Committer!

8 Jun 2013

In yesterday’s issue, ECO outlined the process for tabling, reviewing and adopting ambitious commitments for the 2015 agreement, including setting a deadline for tabling initial commitments in 2014. ECO thinks it goes without saying that such commitments – in their various shapes and sizes – should be framed in terms of a five year commitment […]

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Fossil of the Day

8 Jun 2013

“Climate Action Network (CAN) has slammed blocking moves by Russia which have stalled progress during the first week of the UN climate negotiations in Bonn, Germany. CAN – a network of over 850 NGOs all working together to combat climate change – voted to give Russia the nation the weekly fossil award for the country […]

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