
EU: When 40 Is Only 33

16 Nov 2013

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A Tale of Two Transparencies

15 Nov 2013

There is much on the Warsaw agenda for enhancing the current MRV system from Cancun as well as enabling the ex ante equity and adequacy review of post-2020 targets. But the lack of progress regarding the review guidelines for developed country biennial reports and developing country International Consultation and Analysis (ICA) reports is disheartening. In […]

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Close the Gap!

15 Nov 2013

The Energy Report: 100% Renewable Energy by 2050, published by WWF in association with Ecofys, clearly shows how the gigatonne gap can be closed and emissions reduced for a total carbon budget preserving a strong likelihood of no more than 2° warming On Wednesday the second Structured Expert Dialogue of the 2013-2015 review began to […]

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The time is now for gender equality in the climate change negotiations. And you ask why? — doesn’t climate change affect us all?

15 Nov 2013

Gender Equality: Making ProgressA common sense human perspective on climate change and its solutions needs to uphold the rights and respond to the diverse needs of the entire population. Gender is one of the foremost social categories in determining roles, experiences and perspectives in human society. If climate policies and solutions are to meet the […]

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The CDM Must Protect Human Rights

15 Nov 2013

During the CDM workshop held this past June, Parties heard firsthand testimony from Weni Bagama, who spoke out passionately about the impacts of the Barro Blanco CDM project — a 29 MW hydroelectric dam currently under construction on the Ngäbe indigenous territories in Panama. Weni described how the company failed to adequately consult the affected […]

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‘I am an Australian . . .’

14 Nov 2013

I am an Australian. Which is quite an admission in these halls at the moment. People keep coming up to me and asking what’s going on? Why is my government doing such terrible things on climate policy? Why are they so addicted to coal? Why are they so determined to go backwards? How can they […]

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Farewell to Fossil Fuels

14 Nov 2013

  It’s not enough to cap emissions or reduce their growth. To prevent warming of 2°C or more, net emissions need to be brought to zero. This was a key message from the IPCC presentations in yesterday’s expert dialogue on the 2013-2015 review. The IPCC concentration pathway that keeps below 2°C implies that fossil fuel […]

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Please Don’t Split Up

14 Nov 2013

ECO found this letter in the waste bin next to Plenary 1. Can we help make this relationship work . . . ? My dearest, Since our winter holiday in Copenhagen, where you proposed our marriage, I feel that you have never stopped breaking your promises. All we do is talk, talk and talk some […]

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EU: where is your short-term mitigation ambition?

14 Nov 2013

Closing the Short-Term EU Mitigation Gap We all know that if the ambition gap is not closed or significantly narrowed by 2020, the door will close on many options to limit temperature increase to 1.5° C. An interesting truth is that the EU has already met its 20% target for 2020 eight years ahead of […]

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Australia! Please Explain!

13 Nov 2013

Australian PM Tony Abbott said yesterday that he will cut greenhouse gases by no more than 5% below 2000 levels by 2020. This shock move would back away from Australia's longstanding commitment to a 15% to 25% target range. However, the PM has previously indicated that his "off the cuff" remarks can't really be taken […]

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