
ECO 4, June Bonn 2014, English

7 Jun 2014

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ADP: Ambition Delivery, Please?

6 Jun 2014

The week began on a high note with positive signals coming from some major emitters, they’re moving in the right direction, but all countries can go further and faster. ECO expects – and the world needs – more positive signals alongside concrete additional commitments between now and the Ban Ki-Moon Summit in September, COP20 in Lima, […]

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Over achievement or under ambition?

6 Jun 2014

The EU has made no efforts to hide their personal satisfaction at projecting it will overachieve its 20% target for 2020. According to the EU’s KP "ambition" submission, they’re on a pathway to a reduction of 22.8% on average during the second commitment period. Not forgetting that the latest numbers released just a couple of […]

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Listen to the science

6 Jun 2014

The IPCC was here in town yesterday to hand deliver its latest reports to you. Today, the UNFCCC will start formal consideration of the IPCC reports in the next round of the Structured Expert Dialogues (SED). This is part of the 2013-2015 review of the adequacy of the long-term global goal and the overall progress […]

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6 Jun 2014

ECO was restless yesterday as Ministers failed to make any exciting new announcements, but this morning we woke to an inspiring rallying cry that echoed in all of the world’s languages. We’re inspired – surely leaders cannot ignore their people any longer? Volveremos! Stand with us or steps aside! We are people who participated in […]

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Support farmers to adapt to climate change

6 Jun 2014

Even though the objective of Article 2 is to stabilise global emissions before food production is threatened, impacts are already being felt around the world. Floods have damaged wheat fields in Pakistan and rice fields in Thailand. Heat waves have seriously impacted the yields of Russian wheat and US maize. Global food security is at […]

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US power plant rules: a second look

6 Jun 2014

After celebrating the good news out of the US on new EPA regulations to cut carbon pollution from power plants, ECO has taken the time to take a second look at the proposed plan. The good news is that the plan looks like the real deal – it will lower emissions and put the US […]

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Ministers, Remember the KP?

5 Jun 2014

The KP has its fans for good reasons, like legally binding commitments, its base year and common metrics, not to mention its compliance regime. ECO knows that the KP is not perfect, but it’s the best we’ve got, and it has to serve as the baseline for the new regime. And Ministers, ECO must be […]

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Penny wise, pound foolish

5 Jun 2014

We applaud the ADP Co-chairs’ tradition of emphasising openness and transparency as a key part of the party-driven ADP process. But now, it seems that this tradition might be under threat, with the Contact Group meetings limiting space for observers.  This alone was shocking enough, but given the level of interest in these critical meetings […]

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An ambitious deal means equity

5 Jun 2014

Regular formal equity reviews of Parties’ commitments under the UNFCCC is important for an ambitious deal. We’ve run out of time to achieve a formal review of the post-2020 targets before COP 21, so here is ECO’s twofold approach: 1) Parties agree to a formal equity review in the 2015 deal and 2) civil society […]

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