
Renewables save money, lives and jobs

14 Jun 2014

ECO is excited about the many voices in favour of a future powered by renewable energy. On Thursday, it was UNEP’s turn to explore the role of renewables and energy efficiency (RE & EE) in achieving Sustainable Energy for All. Their side event presented, among other things, findings from the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) […]

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Thank you

14 Jun 2014

A heartening moment occurred yesterday before an informal conversation on the coordination of support for REDD+. Many Parties, literally, stood side by side with NGOs and refused to enter the meeting room until the NGOs were also allowed in – which they eventually were. ECO thanks the Parties involved and hopes that this sort of Party-driven support […]

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Will Brazil win?

13 Jun 2014

The most anticipated event of the year has finally arrived (no, not the Bonn intersessionals!). Last night, after an early stumble, Brazil beat Croatia in the opening game of the 2014 World Cup. Just as much of the world looks up to Brazil’s national team, many Parties admire Brazil’s great success in tackling deforestation, with […]

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Brazil’s REDD+ black box

13 Jun 2014

On June 6, Brazil became the first Party to deliver a REDD+ reference emission level to the UNFCCC under new rules established in Warsaw.  This should be a reason for celebration: agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) constitutes 24% of global emissions, and Brazil has been reducing deforestation rates in the Amazon. ECO applauds […]

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The ADP: a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth?

13 Jun 2014

ECO noted a range of opinions in Thursday’s ADP stocktaking plenary – particularly on the question of how negotiations should go forward with which texts. Some Parties supported working with text based on a synthesis of Party contributions. This would mean that the co-chairs would be sent into the kitchen to cook up a text […]

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The Saudi Top 20

13 Jun 2014

Don’t sell yourself short, Saudi Arabia, under any definition you’re important! During Wednesday’s ADP session on the information required for INDCs, Saudi Arabia suggested that only the world’s top 20 emitters should worry about offering mitigation contributions to a Paris Protocol. The rest of the world, they said, should focus on adaptation, as their emissions […]

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The Saudi Top 20

13 Jun 2014

Don’t sell yourself short, Saudi Arabia, under any definition you’re important! During Wednesday’s ADP session on the information required for INDCs, Saudi Arabia suggested that only the world’s top 20 emitters should worry about offering mitigation contributions to a Paris Protocol. The rest of the world, they said, should focus on adaptation, as their emissions […]

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Because I’m happy…

13 Jun 2014

Ever since hearing so much support for action on renewable energy in Workstream 2, ECO has had an ear worm on our mind…   It’s totally not crazy what I’m ‘bout to say Sunshine she’s here, fossil fuels can take a break Solar power’s gonna fill this space With the sunshine and wind power showing […]

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Domino effect of energy security: binding targets, higher ambition, a good deal in Paris.

13 Jun 2014

While ECO has been busy this week in Bonn, our spies in Luxembourg have been keeping an eye on EU environment and energy ministers. Yesterday, a joint EU Council meeting tackled two burning, and linked, issues: EU energy security and its post-2020 climate and energy framework. ECO’s intelligence network says this will be agreed in […]

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Putting climate finance needs in context

12 Jun 2014

Full points for the moderators of the Long Term Climate Finance discussions yesterday for trying to inject some energy into the rather stale discussions of scaling up finance to meet the commitment of US$100 billion by 2020. Their chosen format of “world café discussions” with participants encouraged people to circulate between the four small group […]

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