Intervention: Opening ADP Plenary by Vositha Wijenayake, Bonn ADP2-4, 10 March 2014
Thank you Co-Chairs,
I am speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network.
The ADP has three crucial tasks this week.
First: Ambition, ambition, ambition within finance and mitigation is key. The focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency under Workstream 2 is a positive start. Combined together, these areas have potential to decrease 5 Gt of the emissions gap and the UNFCCC process must produce specific actions to make that happen on the ground.
Second: Agree on the structure and process for developing a draft negotiating text by COP20 during this year and move into contact groups asap. We all know the deal in Paris will encompass mitigation, adaptation, finance, etc, but we must get into the specifics of exactly how. It is also imperative that critical elements like compliance and a separate loss and damage mechanism not fall off the table.
Third: Determine the information that should be included when countries table their proposed commitments. For developed countries, this is rather straightforward as there can be NO backtracking from Kyoto style commitments in terms of a common base year and accounting rules, short multi-year commitment periods and ever deepening reductions. Such information will also need to include financial commitments where appropriate, while all countries must justify their proposed commitments and actions drawing from an Equity Reference Framework.
Thank you.
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