CAN Submission: The Roadmap for Global Climate Action, July 2016
CAN welcomes the opportunity to present its views on the road map for global climate action. We are convinced that a strong global climate action roadmap, with the Global Climate Action Agenda and enhanced pre-2020 action under the UNFCCC at its heart, will not only reduce emissions and increase resilience, but also help mobilize support for further action.
The strengthening of the action agenda and the pre-2020 process is an important deliverable for COP 22 in Marrakech and beyond, and the high-level champions will need to play a pivotal role in achieving the best possible outcome.
In this document, CAN provides suggestions and feedback on the areas of work outlined by the champions in the document (Global Climate Action Agenda: The Roadmap) and also makes concrete recommendations on how to leverage existing platforms, outside initiatives and institutional arrangements to achieve a transition to a zero emission and climate resilient future sooner and faster.