CAN Submission: Inputs to inform the dialogue on the relationship between land and climate change adaptation related matters, March 2020

Following decision 1/CP.25, paragraphs 32 and 33, the Climate Action Network welcomes the request to the SBSTA to convene at its 52nd session a dialogue on the relationship between land and climate change adaptation-related matters and the invitation to submit inputs to inform the dialogue.
This document consists of two main parts: Part One outlines recommendations for “Modalities and Procedures” with the purpose of shaping the dialogue’s work to be effective, rigorous and relevant; Part Two incorporates a list of themes to be incorporated in the dialogue, building on CAN members’ knowledge and expertise on technical issues related to land and climate change adaptation, leading to actions that seek to maximize its potential to address the crisis.
Download file: http://can_internationl_submission_-_dialogue_on_the_relationship_between_land_and_climate_change_adaptation_march_2020-2.pdf