CAN Submission: Input to the in-session dialogues on Action for Climate Empowerment, February 2017
CAN welcomes the opportunity to provide its views on the organization of the 4th in-session Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment held in May 2016 and regarding the agenda of the upcoming 5th in-session Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment to be organized in May 2017 in Bonn.
â— The dialogue should aim at supporting the implementation of the Doha Work Programme on ACE with its agenda reflecting the action suggested in the work programme and during its intermediate review. Relevant actors identified in these documents should be invited to share information regarding their contributions, including good practices and barriers faced.
â— The dialogue should be co-facilitated by a member from the civil society with recognised expertise on the issue at the agenda of the dialogue to fully reflect the participatory and multi-stakeholders nature of the Doha Work Programme on ACE.
â— The agenda of the Dialogue should be focused and include linkages with parallel streams of works under the UNFCCC. This would inform the implementation by parties of their existing commitments and the integration of ACE therein. Potential subjects for the 5th dialogue could include the integration of climate education and training in the NDCs or education and training as means to strengthen climate adaptation – including in relation to the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
â— The GEF should be invited to provide an update during the dialogue with regards to the support that it makes available to parties for the implementation of actions related to ACE.
Download file: http://cansubmission_article6dialogues_final.pdf