CAN Submission: Input to IPCC-44, October 2016

~Resulting from the Paris Agreement the IPCC will provide a special report by 2018 on the multitude of scientific, economic, social, environmental and developmental questions, opportunities and challenges related to not exceeding a threshold of 1.5°C global warming above pre-industrial levels. CAN strongly supports the IPCC in this endeavour and highlights again the need for developing globally ambitious and socially sound GHG emission reduction pathways for all sectors and all regions and assessing funding requirements for adaptation to unavoidable climate change impacts, particularly for poor and most exposed communities, even under a temperature limit of 1.5°C in the context of equity, responsibility and fairness. Based on the preparatory expert meeting in August in Geneva, the IPCC will discuss and likely approve the draft outline of the Special Report at its coming 44th Session in October 2016.

Download file: http://can_submission_input_to_ipcc_plenary_bangkok_october_2016.pdf

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