CAN SBSTA Opening Intervention November 2015
Thank you Mr./Madam Co-Chair,
I am Harshita Bisht, speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network.
While a credible response to the climate crisis requires every sector to contribute, international transport emissions have more than doubled since Kyoto.
The Paris Agreement should urge IMO and ICAO to set strong interim targets to help meet the 1.5°C goal. These bodies must adopt strict criteria for alternative fuels; work on adaptation finance; and include their progress on carbon pricing and CO2 standards in COP reporting.
To achieve the 1.5-degree target, all emissions reductions must moreover adhere to key social and environmental principles.
SBSTA’s work on agriculture will remain hot air unless Parties evaluate methodologies to ensure tangible results.
These should include safeguards to protect and promote gender equality, food security, biodiversity, equitable access to resources, the right to food, animal welfare, and the rights of indigenous peoples and local populations; as well as poverty reduction and adaptation.
Similarly, if recognizing transfer of international units, the Paris Agreement must require that emission reductions are real, additional, verifiable, supplemental and permanent; avoid double counting; ensure net atmospheric benefits and contribute to sustainable development.
A credible agreement will also require Kyoto Protocol credits to be canceled, or not recognized for compliance post 2020.
Thank you.
Download file: http://can_final_sbsta_43_opening_intervention_november_2015.pdf