CAN SBSTA Closing Intervention, December 2015
Thank you Madam Chair,
I am Elaine See from Climate Action Network.
Responding to the climate crisis requires decisive action across all sectors.
But the SBSTA reports presentations demonstrate that ICAO and IMO are failing to address the significant and growing climate impacts of aviation and shipping.
18 years after Kyoto, these emissions are growing at a rate twice that of all other sectors. The Paris Agreement must send a clear signal that ICAO and IMO must make a fair contribution to limiting temperature increase to 1.5 degrees.
On agriculture, CAN appreciates Parties’ positive engagement here in Paris.
Parties should evaluate methodologies to ensure on-the-ground results while including considerations and safeguards to protect and promote food security, biodiversity, equitable access to resources, the right to food, animal welfare, and the rights of indigenous peoples and local populations, while promoting poverty reduction and adaptation.
Given the vulnerabilities of the sector, ongoing efforts to ensure sufficient finance for adaptation and for a Global Goal on Adaptation should also be supported.
We look forward to a further exchange of ideas and a dedicated workshop next year, where we request SBSTA to help identify options to enhance food security to protect the livelihoods of small-scale farmers.
Thank you.
Download file: http://climate_action_network_final_closing_sbsta.pdf