CAN Lobby Document for Bangkok – Mar 2011
Path to Durban: Objectives for the Bangkok Intersessional and 2011
Cancun was a modest success as it buried the ghost of the failure of Copenhagen. However, the Cancun Agreements postponed important issues that underpin the success, or otherwise, of efforts to fight catastrophic climate change.
The Cancun Agreements provide real opportunities to advance global cooperation in adaptation, forests, climate finance and technology transfer. If all opportunities outlined within the Cancun Agreements are grasped, and parties take the following thoughtful and logical next steps, it is within the realms of possibility that the Cancun Agreements could be a springboard to a fair, ambitious and binding global deal to tackle dangerous climate change.
Close the gigatonne gap.
• Agree more ambitious A1 mitigation targets at Durban. Developed countries should commit to targets of more than 40% below 1990 levels by 2020. The Cancun Agreements acknowledge the need to increase ambition and the 25-40% range of emission reductions for developed countries.
• Minimise loopholes to ensure developed countries honestly meet their emissions reduction targets including:
o Land use, land use change and forestry rules that increase accountability and strengthen the level of ambition of developed countries such that forestry and land use sectors deliver emissions reductions.
o Rules for any new market and non market mechanisms must not diminish already low levels of ambition and must disallow double counting, ensuring additional emissions reductions and funding flows.
o Rules to minimise damage from hot air (surplus AAUs) for example setting a discount factor or adjusting aggregate emission reduction targets for all developed countries to compensate for the hot air.
• At Durban agree the rules for a registry that links developing country mitigation action with necessary support, and provides a record of developing country mitigation actions without support.
• At Durban establish robust reference levels for REDD+, and lock in $15 – 25 billion per year of guaranteed finance to deliver the substantial reductions required.
• Governments should agree to quickly and strongly reduce the use of HFCs, in a close collaboration between the UNFCCC and the Montreal Protocol, in order to immediately reduce emissions of these "super greenhouse gasses".
• Bangkok should put in place a process to agree a peak year and a long term global goal, with an equitable approach to sharing this effort, by Durban. Emissions must peak in 2015 and reduce by at least 80% below 1990 levels by 2050…
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