CAN Intervention: SBSTA Opening Plenary SB40s, 6 June, 2014
Thank you chair. I am speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network.
CAN looks forward to the constructive discussion on agriculture and progress on the Nairobi Work Programme in SBSTA.
For the Nairobi Work Programme, COP19 highlighted ecosystems; human settlements; water resources; and health as priority areas. All these are of crucial importance to the needs of the people and countries particularly vulnerable to climate change. SBSTA should discuss how to pick up key findings of the expert meeting on tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, needs of local and indigenous communities, and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation.
For agriculture, the world’s people depends on it for their very sustenance, and, especially in developing countries, for their livelihoods. Climate change puts all of this at risk. Among other things, the UNFCCC should:
· Promote biodiverse climate-resilient small-scale agriculture based on agro-ecological principles;
· Include safeguards which protect biodiversity, equitable access to resources by rural peoples, food security, the right to food, the rights of indigenous peoples and local populations, the integration of gender-sensitive approaches, as well as the welfare of farm animals, while promoting poverty reduction and climate adaptation.
CAN is happy to work further with delegates on the appropriate recommendations.