CAN Intervention: Nairobi Work Programme in the SBSTA Contact Group, 5 June 2014

CAN intervention on NWP, 5 June 2014

SBSTA also needs to make progress on the future activities of the Nairobi Work Programme. COP19 highlighted ecosystems; human settlements; water resources; and health as priority areas. All these are of crucial importance to the needs of the people and countries particularly vulnerable to climate change.

On ecosystems and water resources, the reports from previous expert meetings under the NWP in 2013 and 2012 provide important starting points for what to do next.

CAN generally thinks that the activities should be designed in a way that they can serve different purposes where scientific and technological advice is required, with a strong view of facilitating implementation of concrete action. A key step toward this is to ensure the NWP engages leading experts and practitioners on each theme. SBSTA should engage the AC and NWP partners (including many CAN members) to assist in identifying and reaching out to these leaders. 

NWP activities should aim to increasingly include knowledge and  experience from very locally grounded activities, such as from community-led adaptation. Activities under all themes also could contribute to important cross-cutting discussions, including:

  • The implications of the IPCC AR5 and different levels of projected warming
  • Approaches for multi-level adaptation planning (inl. NAPs, but also for sub-national and local planning)
  • Climate change impacts on, and needs of, particularly vulnerable segments of societies
  • Ways to better assess financial costs of adaptation options
  • Needs and opportunities for regional cooperation
  • Vehicles for effective south-south adaptation learning

Furthermore we think that the SBSTA should also identify ways to lift up some of the key findings of the expert meeting on available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, needs of local and indigenous communities and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation. This work may result in a specific COP20 decision. Key recommendations we would like to highlight include

  • To fully appreciate indigenous and traditional knowledge in a manner commensurate with modern science at all levels relevant to adaptation, including through COP guidance for the performance of finance institutions such as the GCF.
  • The strong need to enable the recognition, participation and engagement of local communities and holders of local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices in the adaptation process, including in national adaptation planning processes from the outset
  • Building on previous COP decisions, strengthen the integration of gender-sensitive approaches in all aspects of adaptation planning and practice to promote gender equality
  • To organize follow-up activities to ensure that the workshop is not a “one-off” activity on this topic. Specifically, the SBSTA should explore opportunities to create stronger linkages between NWP activities and related implementation activities, ensuring a continuous feedback mechanism.

This workshop, notably, was an example of a positive collaboration between the Adaptation Committee and the NWP. The precedent set by this workshop paves the way for continued collaboration among Convention bodies to coordinate and synchronize efforts on adaptation. The NWP should continue to directly link to long-term work within the Convention through the AC, the LEG, adaptation funding mechanisms, and especially, the NAP process.

CAN is happy to work further with delegates on the appropriate recommendations.


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