CAN Intervention in the SB38/ADP2-2 Bonn Intersessional: Review Workshop, 5 June
Thank you Co-Chairs,
My name is Kaisa Kosonen, and I’m speaking here on behalf of CAN.
I want to thank the co-chairs and the secretariat for recognizing the importance of bringing civil society voices into this review – including through twitter! We expect the spirit and format of transparency and participation to continue throughout the review.
There are three other key points we want to make at this stage.
Firstly, CAN expects the review to assess the scale and nature of irreversible damage, human misery, ecosystem losses and risks related to tipping points, that could be avoided if warming was limited to 1.5 degrees instead of 2 degrees. The process and inputs must serve this key question, with special focus on the most vulnerable.
Secondly, the main task of the review is to help bring us on track in preventing climate chaos. This is not just another technical exercise. This is our opportunity to finally get it right, and to learn from past mistakes in target setting and delivering on commitments.
The long-term goal, targets and commitments in the 2015 agreement must be based on the review findings. But the review must also guide enhanced short-term action, with decisions taken already in 2013 and 2014. An iterative nature of the review and the workplans of both the Joint Contact Group and Expert Dialogue should allow for this.
Finally, in terms of the input this review should include, CAN likes to remind Parties, that in reviewing how governments are doing in meeting their goals, NGOs are the experts. In doing value judgment of adequacy, civil society engagement is fundamental. Therefore, we look forward to bringing our expertise from around the world to this process.
Thank you!

Photo Credit: Naoyuki Yamagishi
Download file: http://can-i_intervention_-_jun5-review.pdf