Sophie Richmond

Global Lead - Big Shift Campaign

About Sophie

Sophie has over 13 years of experience in international development ranging across policy and advocacy, people and programme management and communications. She also brings expertise in strategy development and has a long track record of working in partnership with civil society organisations from around the world. She has worked in-depth with local organisations fighting inequality in Latin America and believes the global fight against inequality and for a greener planet are intertwined. Specific areas of work included economic justice, climate justice, indigenous rights, power and gender.

She joined the CAN International team in October 2019 working for the Big Shift. This campaign calls on development banks to shift their money out of fossil fuels and into sustainable, renewable energy.

Sophie holds an MSc from the University of London and a BA from the University of Newcastle.

A strong advocate for social justice, Sophie believes we have an ethical responsibility to all our neighbours around the world to act now for climate justice. Solidarity with the poor and most vulnerable is more important than ever. She speaks English and Spanish with a working knowledge of French. She is based in Birmingham, UK (but does not personally know any Peaky Blinders!).

Contact Sophie

Email: srichmond[at]climatenetwork[dot]org

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