Dara Snead

Renewable Communications Officer

Dara Snead has five years experience as a climate activist and campaign building. During her undergraduate degree worked on the UK Labour for a Green New Deal Policy team publishing several pieces of work focussing on sustainable transport. She recently completed an MSc in International Relations where she specialised in International Climate Governance and exclusion at COP26.

Alongside this Dara has been working in humanitarian aid over the last 6 years, most recently managing at Refugee Community Kitchen in Northern France. This frontline work has positioned personal experiences at the forefront of Dara’s work, shaping her attitudes and communication style. Campaigning for social justice is intricately related to climate change, reflected in Dara’s master’s research and advocacy work.

Outside of work Dara spends time hiking Munros in Scotland and cooking with her partner.

To contact Dara please email: dsnead@climatenetwork.org

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