CAN Intervention in the COP18 ADP Opening Plenary, 27 November, 2012

ADP Opening Plenary Intervention 

27 November, 2012

Given by, Rongtai (Marvin) Nala 


Thank you Chair. My name is Rongtai Nala and I'm speaking on behalf of
Climate Action Network.

As a young climate activist, I am gravely concerned about the impact of
climate change on the planet. Recent severe weather events are warning us of
the dangerous 4 degree path we are on. The ADP has an opportunity to turn
this around. We must not squander it.

At Doha, an ADP work plan to increase short term ambition must be agreed,
informed by a technical paper assessing the g It must ensure that developed country 2020 emissions reduction targets increase to at least 40% below 1990 levels. In order that developing
countries can increase their mitigation ambition and deal with climate
impacts, public finance must be at least double Fast Start Finance with
$10-15bn in new public finance for the Green Climate Fund over 2013-2015.

An equitable approach to sharing the costs of mitigation and adaptation
amongst countries will be a truly essential part of a 2015 agreement.  

And a clear workplan, with milestones and timeframes, will be essential for
the ADP to live up to its potential.  There is no atmospheric nor political
space for failure.

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