CAN Intervention in the SB38/ADP2-2 Bonn Intersessional: Adaptation during Roundtable on Workstream 1, 6 June, 2013

Taking points from ADP Roundtable on Workstream 1 on Adaptation: 

-Delivered by Brandon Wu

· ADP should recognize that mitigation, adaptation and loss & damage exist in a continuum. Less ambition on mitigation means substantially more efforts are required to adapt. Similarly, if adequate actions for adaptation are not taken in time, we need to spend more resources to address loss & damage.

·  It is important to note that the current institutional structure and need for means of implementation is keeping in mind a 2°C world scenario. However, the current mitigation ambition is taking us towards 3 to 4 or may be 6 degree world. ADP must keep an overview of adaptation work and ensure adequate support to institutions and countries to address future needs.

· ADP must guide the Adaptation Committee to conduct a periodic review of adaptation needs and loss and damage in light of the mitigation ambition and available means of implementation and take necessary action to address the gap, including in terms of the UNFCCC support structure. In particular, climate finance for immediate (pre-2020) adaptation needs must be forthcoming as quickly as possible.

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