CAN Briefing Paper: Text suggestions Mitigation Long-term goal & Decarbonization strategies, October 2015

~~If the Paris Agreement is to make a difference, it has to mark the beginning of the end to the fossil fuel era. It must send a clear and convincing signal to investors and decision makers at all levels, that from now on, any high-carbon investments are high-risk investments.
As a key element of such an agreement, governments must admit and agree, for the first time, that we are no longer in the business of managing emissions. Fossil carbon emissions must simply be phased out to zero in a very short period of time, if we are to stay below 1.5 ºC warming. This, in reality, means phasing out fossil fuels and decarbonizing the global economy.

To achieve full decarbonization in a way that is just, achieves wider sustainable development objectives, and respects national sovereignty, each country should develop a strategic national decarbonization plan to shift rapidly from a high-carbon economic growth model to sustainable development.
National decarbonization plans would facilitate the alignment of international obligations (Agenda 2030, UNFCCC mitigation targets and adaptation goals) and national plans and legislation, by ensuring that implementation of the sustainable development goals on agriculture, infrastructure, cities, production and consumption, and ecosystems, forests and land use are integrated and catalyzing cross-sectoral action at the national and local government levels.
Based on the above CAN suggests the following text amendments and changes to the October ADP draft text.

Download file: http://can_briefing_mitigation_long_term_goal_and_decarbonization_plan_text_suggestions.pdf

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