CAN COP 21/CMP 11 High-level Intervention, December 2015

Thank you Honorable Ministers and Distinguished Delegates,   

I am Mariam Allam from Climate Action Network.      

The pending elements of the Paris outcome are clear for all to see. Now is the time for ministers to find common ground.

But common ground should not undercut 1.5 degrees or ambition. A mention of 1.5 degrees is not enough; we need to operationalize it through a long-term goal of full decarbonization by 2050.

A fighting chance of closing the ambition gap that mostly rests with developed countries requires a revisiting of INDCs by 2018 at the latest.

In many countries, further ambition needs to be enabled. The Paris Agreement should stipulate that collective targets for the provision of finance should be set and updated in 5-year cycles, with separate mitigation and adaptation targets.  

Climate impacts and irreversible losses must be addressed by a global goal on adaptation linked with the 1.5-degree goal and means of implementation, and through a stand-alone article that ensures institutional anchoring and further work on loss and damage.

The Paris Agreement needs to transformative, and for that it needs to be both binding and dynamic. We must take stock of all elements every five years to get where we need to be.  

Thank you.        

Download file: http://can_final_adp_2-12_closing_intervention.pdf

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