Loss and damage mechanism under threat

15 December 2009

Simple arithmetic: Low mitigation ambition plus inadequate adaptation support for developing countries results in unavoidable loss, damage and suffering for the most vulnerable!

Any emission reduction and finance targets as well as legal format in the Copenhagen agreement must be open to periodic review (no later than 2014/2015). ECO wants to read in the shared vision that this is based not only on the latest science, but also on observations of loss and damage on the frontline of climate impacts – in LDCs, SIDS and Africa.

Facing the dire consequences of a +4°C world, developing country Parties have proactively tabled a loss and damage mechanism in the adaptation text. Cynically, this crucial piece is about to be killed by the culprits of climate change – the EU, US and others.

The reality of unavoidable impacts on the very livelihood and sovereignty of many nations is a dual failure of the lack of mitigation action and adaptation support by industrialised countries. A shared vision which ignores the need to address loss and damage is a vision which is not shared by those affected by rising sea levels, barren fields and spreading deserts. And whose people are dying.

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