Climate Finance Goal: Climate Action Network media reaction to TED10

3 June 2024

The Tenth Technical Expert Dialogue (TED10) of the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on Climate Finance took place in Bonn today as part of the UNFCCC climate talks. The NCQG negotiations have been ongoing for two years.

Global Advocacy Lead at Climate Action Network International, Rebecca Thissen, said: “The big question remains the same: are big historic polluters going to take responsibility and pay for their climate debt? We heard today in the TED10 room developing countries explaining how they are actually getting more indebted when receiving climate finance, ending up making rich countries richer. How is that fair? Opposing views from developed and developing countries were expressed during the session on issues such as transparency, while transforming the finance system, debt cancellation and fiscal justice were also touched upon. While questions from the floor were welcome, the dialogue needs to speed up and start to get into the nitty gritty of what the new climate finance goal will actually look like. 

We can have as much dialogue as we want, but as long as we are not able to start from the common understanding that the current rules are not working for the most vulnerable, we won’t won’t get any closer to an equitable and adequate climate finance goal.”

Notes to Editors:

Recording of the TED10



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