Countdown to the CVF Summit

14 November 2018

The Virtual Climate Summit 2018 is an emission-free event led by The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and chaired by the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI), offering a global platform for national leaders to raise climate ambition and step up their NDCs, stand in solidarity with those vulnerable to the growing impacts of climate change, and reinforce efforts under the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5ºC.

The Summit is a response to the IPCC 1.5 report and will provide feed into the COP24 Talanoa Dialogue political phase.


  • Summit programme: Summit host online platform
  • When it happens: This is a 24-hour event, which will be broadcast live starting from 9:00 pm GMT on 21 November ( 8:00 am MHT 22 November) – President Hilda Heine(Republic of the Marshall Islands) will open the Summit as CVF Chair
  • Program design: The programme includes video statements from Heads of States/Government/Ministers of participating countries; thematic sessions organized by partner organizations; short films about vulnerability and solutions to climate change; and the Summit outcome document.


As a platform for countries to raise their voice in reaffirming commitment to the Paris Agreement, the CVF Virtual Summit have been calling for video statements from Heads of State and Heads of Government to highlight their countries’ climate story, current ambition in meeting the 1.5ºC target and support to the CVF. Participant countries are expected to be CVF members (there are currently 48 CVF member countries) as well as summit observers.

Until now,  40+ countries have confirmed their participation and Leaders statements are being received as we speak. An initial program will be published online as of 14 November and an update on High-Level participation will be shared on the 16th of November. 


In order to highlight the importance of women’s leadership in climate action, President Heine of RMI appointed a special voluntary group of all-women ‘Summit Champions’. The aim of the Champions group is to actively communicate on the Summit, to champion the role of women in addressing climate change, and to encourage the CVF Virtual Summit’s different member and observer state leaders to fully engage with the initiative, complementing the official outreach of the Marshall Islands government and other Summit partners.

Summit Champions: 

  • Christiana Figueres;
  • Rachel Kyte;
  • Helen Clark;
  • Jennifer Morgan;
  • Laura Tuck;
  • Laurence Tubiana;
  • Senator Loren Legarda;
  • Mary Robinson;
  • Naoko Ishii; and
  • Winnie Byanyima

Link to the champion page:


Ten thematic topic-specific sessions organized by partner organizations will be moderated live via web-conferencing. Each session is one hour long.

1. Realizing Global Ambition Locally: How Domestic Multi-stakeholder Alliances Can Drive Greater Action and Ambition Around the World

Led by: World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) on behalf of the global partners for the Alliances for Climate Action (ACA)

2. 100% RE: A Vision For Decarbonization, Resilience, and Prosperity

Led by: Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) International and Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

3. Operationalizing Sustainable Lifestyles: Technological Transitions Or Behavioral Shifts?
Led by: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

4. From Local to Global: Accelerating Adaptation Action at Scale and at All Levels
Led by: Global Centre on Adaptation, in partnership with the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)

5. Women’s Leadership for Climate Action
Led by: The Republic of Marshall Islands and the CVF Summit Champions Group

6. A New Sustainable Ocean Economy—Advancing Climate and Ocean Action
Led by: World Resources Institute (WRI)

7. Survive & Thrive at #1o5C: The Finance Agenda of V20 Economies
Led by: Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII)

8. Stepping Up Climate Ambition To Meet The 1.5oC Warming Limit
Led by: Climate Action Network (CAN) International

9. Urgent Call For A New Development Paradigm That Works For People And Planet
Led by: Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité (CIDSE)

10. Regional SIDS-SIDS Cooperation – Integrated and Inclusive Climate Technology Markets
Led by: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

How can you engage?

Each session aims to provide 15-20 minutes as online interaction through questions fielded from Twitter using the CVF Summit hashtag #CVFSummitPanel.


Crowd-sourced short films on climate vulnerability and solutions across the world will be presented.


Greenpeace is leading an online mobilization to take a selfie holding a sign saying “Survive, Thrive, 1.5”. The photos would then be tweeted using the hashtag #StepUp2018 calling on world leaders to act.


Summit outreach, amplification of messaging on raising climate ambition and media/social media outreach:

  • By asking your Leader/Head of Government to join (see the guidance attached and submitting statements until 16/11 via this link  here). 
  • By linking to the summit on your website and social media
  • By joining the conversation: #StepUp, #1o5,  #VirtualClimateSummit
  • By promoting the summit messaging in the media and your network.


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