8 May 2018

ECO is here to explain why pre-2020 action is still a thing, and why, with 2020 creeping up, all Parties should be preparing for the pre-2020 stocktake to be held at COP24. At the heart of this issue are two components: trust and urgency. With insufficient pre-2020 action, ECO sees a very real risk of setting a precedent of not honouring deals made and undermining trust between Parties, just as they are entering the implementation period of the Paris Agreement. Additionally, the IPCC 1.5°C special report coming out this fall is likely to remind us of the urgent action needed for countries to get on track with the Paris Agreement’s long-term goals, and sooner will be cheaper. This is why pre-2020 climate action, as a topic in the UNFCCC, and in the form of action on the ground, is not just a box you have to tick at COP24.


At COP24 Parties will have the opportunity to honestly take stock of pre-2020 implementation and ambition and communicate how they will be closing the gaps that Sunday’s Talanoa dialogue so clearly highlighted. This stocktake has value in itself, but it will also be valuable as input to the political phase of the Talanoa Dialogue. It’s important to make room for a frank discussion on shortcomings, and what we can learn from them so as to not repeat these mistakes in the Paris period. Off the top of ECO’s brilliant head – how about a coalition of developed countries willing to #StepUp and admit their shortcomings, and announce plans to rectify the situation? After all, Sunday’s session also provided ample inspiration for further action, which can and should be used as soon as possible. Both, for near term action and to inform revised NDCs. Between SB48 and COP24, ECO suggests everyone goes home and turn inspiration into targets and action.


The pre-2020 stocktake has a broad mandate, and will also look at what has come out of the work of the high-level champions, the technical expert meetings on mitigation and adaptation, and the Global Climate Action Agenda. This is a chance to highlight and identify ways to improve cooperation on climate action between Parties and non-party stakeholders, in important sectors. If you prefer powerpoint over storytelling, the presentations on circular economy from last week’s mitigation TEM are available online and are also plenty inspirational.


Lastly, ECO would like to remind the more than 80 Parties which have not yet ratified the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol that we need at least 33 more of you to do so as soon as possible. “The dog ate my homework” will not be a good enough excuse for COP24! ECO believes this can help build trust between parties and help other processes, such as the rulebook of the Paris Agreement and the critical efforts to raise ambitions over time. As you saw from ECO’s table last week (helpful, but also slightly embarrassing, right?), only 50% of the G77 has ratified. By ratifying and ensuring entry into force, developing countries have a chance to hold developed countries to their promises on pre-2020 action, and make sure the pre-2020 stocktake can be about implementation of action.

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