Update: Find out the latest in the May and June Global climate mobilisations
21 April 2015

This May and June, youth and faith leaders, along with members of labour, development and justice organisations around the world are calling for the just transformation to a world powered by 100% renewable energy to address our biggest problems – climate change, social inequality, unemployment and poverty.
To sign up for upcoming events check out this website and to see our favourite photos from actions so far check out our flickr album.
17 June
As we wait for the Pope to call for climate action it is a good moment to round-up some of the actions that people are already taking to tell leaders it is time to rapidly scale up the just transition to a fossil free world powered by 100% renewable energy. It has been an amazing 3 weeks of mobilisation, involving thousands of people of all ages, from all movements and across almost all continents.
Today is no exception, with thousands of people gathering outside the British Parliament to lobby their MP’s, telling them they need to step up national and international efforts to tackle climate change in order to save all that we love. Over the weekend Oxfam arranged colourful, musical rallies in South Africa and across the region calling for more support to strengthen women food producers and to make their communities resilient to climate change. In Seattle, USA days of protests against Arctic oil drilling, that included grannies chaining themselves in a blockade, culminated in a dramatic sea-borne direct action in which hundreds of ‘kayaktavists’ blocked Shell’s Arctic-bound oil rig from leaving port.
In the last few days people on both sides of the Atlantic raised their voices against fossil fuel ties to art institutions. A group of protestors handed over a petition with more than 400,000 signatories calling to the Smithsonian Museum, USA calling for an end to its financial association with the Koch Brothers, two billionaires who fund climate change denial. The Royal Opera House and Tate Modern, both in the UK, were hit by protests calling out their financial ties to BP.
Their message is in tune with the 224,000 people whose petition, calling on “big polluters” to be barred from COP21, was handed over to the UN organisers last week. Fossil fuel pressure groups shouldn’t hold a stake in today’s culture and certainly not in our renewable energy future. We found out last week that nearly two-thirds of people believe that negotiators at these key UN climate talks in December should do “whatever it takes” to limit global warming below a 2C rise and secure this future. The call to governments is growing so loud, it can even be heard in space…
More Highlights
- Kayaktavists blockade Shell’s Arctic-bound Oil Rig in Seattle (video)
- Pan-Africa rally for Women, Food and Climate
- Climate protest at London’s Tate Modern over BP sponsorship
- Climate protests at London’s Royal Opera House over BP sponsorship
- Climate protest at Washington D.C’s Smithsonian over links to Koch Brothers
- Anti-coal protest at UN climate talks in Bonn
- Stunts for climate justice at UN climate talks in Bonn
7 June 2015
What a weekend! Protesters in Europe and beyond turned up the heat on the G7 leaders. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday thousands of people took to the streets, calling for the leaders of the richest countries in the world to take action on climate change, to boost development, human rights, equality and health. We know that G7 countries could unlock massive benefits for citizens, like improved public health and more jobs, by supporting a fossil fuel phase out, 100% renewable energy and climate finance.
In the Philippines local and global NGOs stood side by side to petition the UN Commission on Human Rights, calling on them to investigate major carbon polluters for human rights violations, that have or will result from the impact of climate change. On the other side of the planet, in the USA, 5000 people marched against tar sands and demonstrated their solidarity with indigenous communities impacted by this dirty industry.
People continue to make their voices heard as G7 leaders prepare to close their Summit and countries prepare for the final week of UN climate negotiations in Bonn.
More Highlights
- Oxfam put the G7 leaders on the spot flagging how coal is the leading driver of climate change and how it is linked to poverty
- Avaaz targeted the German Chancellor Angela Merkel featuring a full page in the Financial Times calling on Merkel to be a Green superhero at the G7
- 5000 people took part in the Tar Sands rally in US against tar sands and in solidarity with indigenous communities
- In the Philippines a Petition was launched seeking public support asking the Commission on Human Rights to investigate the big carbon polluters for human rights violations that have or will result from the impact of climate change.
- Greenpeace youth activists called on Angela Merkel to #EndCoal at a church congress in Stuttgart
- The 6 months global Peoples pilgrimage was launched in Vanatua
5 June 2015
This week we have seen amazing activities all over the world with people turning up the heat on government and business leaders as UN negotiations in Bonn unfold and the G7 summit approaches this weekend. It is evident that the many people-induced political earthquakes are merging into a seismic shift that world leaders cannot ignore. Leaders turning a blind eye on people across the globe, across demographics and across movements – all calling for a just transformation to a world powered by 100% renewable energy – simply isn´t an option.
Today we all received the amazing news that Norway is divesting its $900 billion dollar sovereign wealth fund from dirty coal – a great example that shows what people power can achieve. Also in Norway, unions lobbied for more climate action in a week of relentless campaigning that has seen unions from Brazil to Bangladesh rally under the banner “no jobs on a dead planet”.
We have seen a women´s climate justice mobilisation in the US, while Avaaz and actor Mark Ruffalo pushed their global petition calling on Angela Merkel and G7 other leaders to ditch fossil fuels and go 100% clean – this has gathered the support of 2.7 million people.
Thousands of people protested against coal expansion in the Philippines, coinciding with a WWF rally in Germany, calling for G7 leaders to be strong on climate and go 100% renewable. Today Alternatiba very nicely kicked off the weekend by embarking on their 5000 km Climate Ride. On avance!
More Highlights
- Thousands in protest against coal in Atimonan, Philippines
- Rally in Germany calling for G7 leaders to be strong on climate and go 100% renewable
- Unions have rallied for climate action in countries around the world including: Germany, Spain, Brazil, Bangladesh and Australia (more here)
- Groups gather in Germany for alternative G7 Summit
- In the US a women´s climate justice mobilisation took place
- Alternatiba 5000 km Climate Ride kicked of
- Avaaz and actor Mark Ruffalo pushed their petition for Angela Merkel and G7 leaders to ditch fossil fuels and go 100% clean
- Online actions against finance for coal and weak country efforts at the UN climate negotiations.
1 June 2015
Yesterday and today we witnessed a surge of mobilisations, following actions in 30 countries on Saturday, as a fresh wave of people joined the call for a just transformation away from a world hooked on fossil fuels to one powered by 100% renewable energy – to address climate change, social inequality, unemployment and poverty. As momentum gathers it’s no wonder fossil fuel firms are running scared.
1000 people in Senegal rallied together for the country’s first ever climate march, calling for an end to dirty energy. The fossil fuel industry was also the target for a number of successful actions in the UK where a coal conference was shut down, among other disruptions. The coal industry also came under pressure from people in 60 cities calling for host Angela Merkel to push the world’s richest countries to quit coal at the G7 Summit.
Another political arena placed under the spotlight was the UN climate negotiations in Bonn, where trade union delegates under the “No jobs on a dead planet” theme handed in their demands for the global climate agreement due to be forged in Paris in December. They are calling for a climate agreement that phases out fossil fuel emissions and unlocks clean, secure jobs in renewable energy. Unions have started to mobilise for a week of action, to push these demands in capital cities around the world.
Over the weekend the Brazilian cities of Brasilia, Recife, Manaus, Salvador, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre saw people asking for 100% renewables and the end of tropical forests deforestation.
Check out this great video from Greenpeace which shows some of the many activities over the weekend.
More Highlights
- In Senegal 1000 people took to the streets for the nation’s first ever climate march
- In the UK there were a series of successful direct actions that included the closure of a coal conference and the blockade of RWE Npower Headquarters (more actions here)
- In Bonn, Germany and capital cities around the world trade unions kicked off a global week of action for climate justice
- In Germany there were events in more than 60 cities calling on Angela Merkel to push for the G7 countries to quit coal
- In Argentina people said NO to fossil fuels and YES to renewable energy
- In Kenya people gathered to discuss and plan for climate justice
- In France the 1000 climate actions continued to unfold with numerous rallies, events and meetings across the country.
- In Belgium people ran 20 kilometers for the climate, not to be beaten, three people in Tasmania ran 160 kilometers to raise awareness of the need for urgent climate action
- At Lake Geneva people held a watery stunt to call for climate action
- In Brazil, volunteers from Brasilia, Recife, Manaus, Salvador, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre saw people asking for 100% renewables and the end of tropical forests deforestation.
30 May 2015
Today people in more than 30 countries mobilised to rally against fossil fuels, call for 100% renewable energy and tell leaders that they want bold climate action now.
In Germany people called for Chancellor Merkel to show climate leadership and phase-out coal, in the Philippines faith groups rallied for 100% renewable energy, in Nigeria youth groups challenged the incoming President to take climate action, in Japan people supported a petition for solar power, and in Indonesia groups rallied in the streets calling on their government to ditch dirty energy. To mention a few.
More Highlights
- In Thailand people took to the parks to call for 100% renewable energy
- In the Netherlands people buried their heads in the sand to protest against poor climate leadership
- In France there were direct actions against Total, bike rides for climate action, events to promote climate solutions and faith group rallies
- In Romania there were protests against deforestation and fossil fuel projects
- In the UK the Climate Camp outside Didcot Power Station continued and there were actions against finance for fossil fuels
- In the Philippines there were anti-coal protests with Catholic groups saying no to coal and yes to 100% renwewable energy
- In Hungary there was a visual stunt against nuclear power
- In Jordan people rallied for renewable energy
- In Europe health groups petitioned Germany to phase out fossil fuels
29 May 2015
Today people around the world took part in a range of actions, across cities and open fields, the first in a flotilla of mobilisations that will continue to launch into the month June. We witnessed people pitching climate camps outside dirty power stations and rallying outside fossil fuel company AGMs – tomorrow many more will join in the action. As climate impacts strike, we encourage you to support these actions and help amplify the joint call for urgent climate action.
More Highlights
- Climate camp at Didcot power plant – people gathering to say no to fossil fuels (http://www.nodashforgas.org.uk/)
- Protest at Total AGM – people gathering to protest fossil fuel influence
Remember you can provide input suggestions and ask for help anytime by contacting Lasse Galvani Bruun (lbruun@climatenetwork.org) and Mark Raven (mraven@climatenetwork.org).
For more information, please contact Lasse Galvani Bruun:
lbruun@climatenetwork.org | Skype: bruun.lasse | +55 11 99909 4046