EU’s Kyoto ratification and Poland – the sequel

14 June 2014

Dear Reader, do you remember when ECO wrote, a few nights ago, about Poland being a total bully, again, and trying to use the EU’s KP ratification as a bargaining chip for the upcoming 2030 discussions in the EU?

Here comes the sequel: yep, you heard it right— this is what is happening. Two days ago, at the EU environment ministers meeting, Poland refused to agree to let the EU’s ratification process move forward. Instead, Poland is planning to table a new proposal which includes… wait for it… hot air for Poland! Never mind the rest.

As it seems that Poland is not hearing ECO’s “stop the madness”calls — could you help us out, Dear Reader? Whenever you see a Polish delegate, please tell them to stop.

EU’s Kyoto ratification and Poland – the sequel

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