Words into Action: The Gender Workshop
12 November 2013
Twelve years ago the deficit of women’s participation at the UNFCCC was raised as a matter urgently needing attention, and Parties decided to improve the participation of women in UNFCCC bodies in decision 36/CP.7.
A year ago, with a view to the continuing and significant deficit of women’s participation, and with increased recognition of the importance of women’s effective participation and gender equality to all aspects of climate change, a new and more powerful decision was adopted requesting Parties to work toward a goal of gender balance, gender-sensitive climate policy and capacity building on the issue.
This decision also established gender and climate change as a standing agenda item of the COP, and Parties and Observers were requested to submit their views. Today from 15:00 to 18:00 in meeting room 1, the UNFCCC will convene the first in-session gender and climate change workshop to discuss Party submissions as well as the major themes of the gender decision. This is an opportune time to engage on this critical issue and map out concrete next steps on gender in the climate change debate.