Submission: Experience and lessons learned during the first GST

March 2024

In this submission, Climate Action Network (CAN) reflects on the experience and lessons learned during the first Global Stocktake. In doing so, this submission considers aspects thus far in the implementation of the Global Stocktake but notes that the value of the GST will ultimately be determined by the response of countries to the guidance therein, including through new Nationally Determined Contributions to be submitted by 2025. CAN strongly supports the science, stating that only immediate, ambitious, just and equitable emissions reductions will give the world a chance to stay within the 1.5°C survival limit. The GST  decisions should guide how countries will address the gap between current national commitments and the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement (20.3 to 23.9 gigatonnes of CO2e) and the need to cut global GHG emissions by around 43% by 2030 and 60% by 2035 from 2019 levels.

Download file: http://CAN_Submission-on-experience-and-lessons-learned-during-the-first-GST.pdf

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